Jose "Pepin" Rodriguez, was not expected to live more than 24 hours after his birth, however in typical Pepin fashion he weathered the storm to live 55 years. He was our living angel and miracle all at once. He wasn't ever able to live a normal life like the rest of us, however he enjoyed the simplest of things like food, music, coke, and his toy tires. He often amazed us with his keen smell and hearing, despite of his medical conditions. He would often hear us whispering about food and he would quickly blurt out that he wanted a hamburger, which we were trying to avoid him hearing us talk about. Despite him not being able to see, he could tell who was touching him. His eldest brother Victor would come see him and wouldn't say anything to him and just touch him and Pepin would recognize his touch and say "El Peloncito".
Pepin touched us in many special ways and it was easy to put life to perspective when you knew everything he endured during his life. Pepin wasn't able to hold a conversation, but I know if he could say something it would be to thank everyone for loving him, despite of all special needs and he would especially want to thank his Mom and Dad for putting their lives on hold to take care of him and providing him a wonderful life. He was very lucky to have the most amazing parents!
Pepin, loving brother/son you will be missed!!
No se esperaba que José "Pepín" Rodríguez viviera más de 24 horas después de su nacimiento, sin embargo, al estilo típico de Pepín, capeó la tormenta y vivió 55 años. Él era nuestro ángel viviente y nuestro milagro al mismo tiempo. Nunca pudo vivir una vida normal como el resto de nosotros, sin embargo, disfrutaba de las cosas más simples como la comida, la música, la coca y sus neumáticos de juguete. A menudo nos sorprendía con su agudo olfato y oído, a pesar de sus condiciones médicas. A menudo nos oía susurrar sobre comida y rápidamente soltaba que quería una hamburguesa, de lo cual intentábamos evitar que nos oyera hablar. A pesar de que no podía ver, podía saber quién lo estaba tocando. Su hermano mayor Víctor venía a verlo y no le decía nada y solo lo tocaba y Pepín reconocía su toque y decía "El Peloncito".
Pepin nos conmovió de muchas maneras especiales y era fácil poner la vida en perspectiva cuando sabías todo lo que soportó durante su vida. Pepin no pudo mantener una conversación, pero sé que si pudiera decir algo sería agradecer a todos por amarlo, a pesar de todas las necesidades especiales y especialmente querría agradecer a su mamá y a su papá por poner sus vidas en espera. cuidarlo y brindarle una vida maravillosa. ¡Tuvo mucha suerte de tener los padres más increíbles!
¡¡Pepin, cariñoso hermano/hijo, te extrañaremos!!
Survived by
Maria De Jesus Rodriguez (Mother), Ricardo Rodriguez (Brother), Stephanie Rodriguez (Niece), Victor Rodriguez Jr. (Nephew), Alexandra Rodriguez (Niece), Andrew Rodriguez(Nephew), Ariana Rodriguez (Niece), Brennan Rodriguez(Nephew)
Jose Rodriguez (Father), Victor Rodriguez (Brother)