She was surrounded by a family that is mourning her deeply and always will.
Judy was born to Lodema and Robert Straley on January 4, 1939. She married Clark Sheckells on Nov 7th, 1959. They went on to have 5 children Kelly, Tracy, Leslie, Stephanie and Clark Jr. She taught her children the art of fake baking and fake cake decorating. Her sense of humor lives on in all of us.
She always had a dollar and a prayer for the homeless. She is known
for her love of animals. Although Bogey was the light of her life, he wasn’t her only pet. She started feeding one raccoon that quickly turned into many raccoons visiting daily.
She was preceded in death by her husband and daughter, Kelly. She is survived by her loving brother Patrick and his husband Leon, 4 children, 16 grandchildren and 18 great grandchildren. She lived a wonderful life and we are blessed having known her. We love you mom. It was an honor walking you home.
A private graveside will be held at White Chapel Cemetery in Gladstone, MO.