Gladys Brooks Boroughs, 101, passed away peacefully surrounded by loving family on Sunday, March 17, 2024. What a remarkable woman, wife, mother, grandmother (Mom B), sister, friend, child of God. Born December 28, 1922, she was the 7th of 13 children. She often joked that she was the proverbial middle child with 6 older and 6 younger siblings. A prodigy from birth, Gladys (AKA “Brooksie”), defied all odds of growing up during The Great Depression. She went on to become both high school and college valedictorians. After graduating from college, she applied to the FBI in Washington, DC (during the J. Edgar Hoover tenure) and was hired. This little country girl from Cleveland County, NC packed her bag and headed to the nation’s Capital. Immediately upon arrival, she joined First Baptist Church, Washington, DC and became engaged in all the activities of the church. It was there that she met Lewis Boroughs, another gifted young person from Seagrove, NC. Lewis had finished his degree at Campbell, a junior college at the time, and was heading to George Washington University to complete his law degree. Lewis and Gladys began dating, married in 1948 and theirs became a great love story. Lewis graduated, took the bar exams in DC and NC. He was asked to join the legal department of Burlington Industries in Greensboro, NC and became head of Burlington’s legal department and Secretary of the company. The rest, as they say, is history!
Gladys was a woman ahead of her time and she led the way in so many areas:
-Although not a graduate of Campbell University but a graduate of a sister university, Gardner Webb, Gladys was asked by then-President of Campbell, Dr. Norman Wiggins, to give the commencement speech at graduation. Dr. Wiggins, a close family friend, was well aware of Gladys’ public speaking acumen. Gladys would command a room of any size and make everyone laugh and listen.
-Gladys was a charter member of Sedgefield Woman’s Club and recently had The Outstanding Clubwoman of the Year award named after her. She loved SWC and with her people skills, wit, and wisdom, she was catapulted into the state presidency of the NC General Federation of Women’s Clubs, 1986-1988,
-A huge part of Gladys’ life revolved around the church, First Baptist Church, Greensboro. FBC became “home” for Gladys, Lewis and their growing family. Gladys served on almost every committee imaginable, including several stints as Deacon Chair, serving as Chair of the committee to consider allowing women Deacons, teaching Sunday School for over 50 years, serving as WMU President, and, with Lewis, helped establish CBF (Cooperative Baptist Fellowship) in NC.
-Gladys, the bard, was an extrovert who loved people. Her memory for rhyme and verse was legendary. She never forgot a poem or ditty she ever heard. Her children, friends, grandchildren & great grandchildren learned much about love and laughter at her knee. Her granddaughter, Meredith Carson, and great-granddaughter, Caroline Armfield, both inherited a love of music and performing.
-Gladys started “The Skittish Friends” acting/performing group at Friends Homes West after she and Lewis moved there in 2001. She wrote most of the scripts and those performances are legendary. We continue to find notes & pages filled with clever ideas she jotted down for a future play, monologue, installation, or speech.
-Gladys, the artisan, was renowned for her artistic abilities. She played the piano by ear, hand carved and painted birds, did beautiful needlepoint pieces, sculpted, quilted , knitted, and crocheted. The further ability of Gladys and Lewis in gardening/farming, and harvesting crops made their children think that green beans, peaches, corn, etc., grew in jars in the basement of their house.
-Gladys was, foremost, a theologian in every sense of the word. She studied and knew the Bible. Her Bibles & commentaries were filled with notes in every margins. Her ‘spiritual library’ would rival that of any minister and she never stopped asking questions and searching for discernment. She and Lewis “walked the walk” as is evidenced by the establishment of The Gladys and Lewis Boroughs Divinity School Scholarship at Gardner Webb University.
-Gladys is survived by two daughters, Elaine McRae & husband, Corie. and Miriam Boroughs; grandchildren, Kevin Armfield & wife Paula, Meredith Carson & husband George; step-grandchildren, Jeff McRae and Michael McRae & wife Christine; great-grandchildren, Caroline & Austin Armfield, Emma, Sophie, & Lili Carson; and step great grandchildren Zack & Lindsay McRae. Also surviving is her sister, Clara Brooks Lowe. She was predeceased by husband Lewis Boroughs, son Kenneth Boroughs; sisters: Irene Ware, Reba Tapy & Edith Hoffman; brothers: Floyd, Maynard, Palmer, Flay, CJ, Dean, Wilfred, and Dennis Brooks. With a family the size of Gladys’…there are also many beloved nieces and nephews, along with a multitude of cherished friends.
-Special thanks to the Assisted Living staff at Friends Homes West and the Whittier Skilled Care Facility staff at Friends Homes @ Guilford. Praise also to Authoracare of Guilford County.
-In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to:
Gardner Webb University Divinity School’s Gladys & Lewis Boroughs Scholarship, c/o Advancement Office; PO Box 997; Boiling Springs, NC 28017 or First Baptist Church, 1000 West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27401.