Marilyn Anne Hazel, age 83, passed away on December 7, 2023 at the Emerald Glen Memory Care facility, Mesa, Arizona. Marilyn was born on October 29, 1940 in Niagara Falls, NY to Alfred and Jeanne Roell, both deceased. She is survived by her immediate family, her loving husband James of 63 years, and three sons, James Jr. (Barbara) of Bethpage TN, Gregory (Cynthia) of Golden CO, and Jeffrey (Russell Vereb) of Clarksburg MD. Marilyn is survived by two brothers, Thomas and Albert. She was preceded in death by two brothers, Dennis and Michael. She and her husband lived in western New York state from their marriage in 1960, then relocated to Mesa, AZ in 1992.
Simply put, Marilyn was a beautiful person. When you met her, you liked her. When you came to know her you recognized her goodness, and when you became friends you loved her. When you were family you came to recognize how blessed you were with her cheerfulness, teaching, honesty, compassion and enduring love. She never had a word of distain for anyone, and believed there was value in every living thing.
At home she fed us well, tucked us in with clean sheets, gave a kiss goodnight, patched our sores, cooled our fevers, filled the kitchen with yummy smells, dressed us in clean cloths, read to us” Paddle to the Sea”, brought family around; Grandma Roell always came, gave us vacations at the shore. She stayed up late no matter what the hour, till every boy got home. She let us swim, dried us off and then let us sleep all the way home from Stony Brook, gave her boys their first sight of Colorado highs, kept us safe and warm, and so very, very much more. She was always there when we needed her.
Marilyn’s husband Jim, and her three sons know full well of her enduring love, as they would not be, could not be, the men they are today without that consummate love so freely given. What a fine world this would be, if more of us could be like her.
Marilyn was a 1958 graduate of LaSalle Sr High School, Niagara Falls, NY. Married her husband at the age of 19, and then right to work becoming a consummate homemaker and mother. Her husband Jim, and three sons were all university degreed; she was not. That needed to be corrected…so at a festive affair for her youngest son Jeffrey’s college graduation, attended to by many family and friends, Marilyn was adorned with cap and gown, presented with a diploma attested to by her mother, husband, a friend and sons. The diploma was “The Most Beautiful Woman / Doctor of Philosophy, Magna Cum Laude”. Most appropriate and so well deserved.
Marilyn was an avid house plant and garden flower gardener. She grew many, and saved many sorry looking plants. To say she had a green thumb would be an understatement and often gave welcomed advice to friends and fellow plant shoppers. She enjoyed growing green things and was comfortable with dirty hands.
Marilyn and her husband Jim, are long time members of the Presbyterian church. She did not outwardly profess her faith, but rather lived in it, and demonstrated it in her personal goodness.
Marilyn was afflicted with high blood pressure and persistent AFib in her later years, and then recently diagnosed with progressive Alzheimer’s disease. She fiercely fought these disabling conditions, but it became necessary for her required care, to be admitted into a memory care facility.
Marilyn may be gone from us, but she will never be forgotten; for she is with us in all we do and are.
A Celebration of Life gathering will be scheduled for early 2024.