Ryan was preceded in death by his parents Onn & Jun Kamchan and 3 siblings.
Ryan is survived by his loving wife of 46 years, Kim Kamchan of Ormond Beach; daughter, Kristin of Daytona Beach; son, John of Daytona Beach; nephew, Sarunyoo of Ormond Beach and a host of family and friends.
Ryan Kamchan came to the United States, in 1973 in order to further his education at Warren Wilson College in Asheville, North Carolina. He graduated with a B.S. in math and continued post-graduate studies at Eastern Kentucky University in Richmond, Kentucky. He received his Masters of Business Administration at UCF. He was employed by Cobb Cole Law Firm for 35 years as their Legal Administrator. Retiring in 2013, he ventured out as partner, and then proud owner of Zen Bistro Thai restaurant. He was a steadfast member of Rima Ridge Baptist Church and enjoyed the Men's Fellowship group, sang in the choir, and was active in all church activities. He was a member of Rivera Golf Country Club for decades. He loved reading the Bible especially Proverbs everyday.
Love to our family and friends near and far--Ryan will be greatly missed!
He now resides in Heaven! Thank you to all the doctors, nurses, and caregivers who helped with his care in the past few months.
Ryan's Celebration of Life Service will be on his birthday, April 14th at 2:00pm.
Rima Ridge Baptist Church
11 Cone Road
Ormond Beach, FL