In his 91st year reunited now with his beloved wife, Margaret, who predeceased him in 2008. Born in Liverpool, England Frank was predeceased by his parents Albert Dooley and Rebecca Burns, brother George and sisters Ethel, May and Lillian. He is survived by his brother, Albert Dooley (Sheila) and many nephews and nieces in England. Frank served as a police officer with 52 Division of the Toronto Police Service until his retirement in 1985. A Past Worshipful Master of Parkdale Masonic Lodge # 510 and later affiliated with Corinthian Lodge #101 . Proud member of Peterborough Chapter # 161, Order of the Eastern Star. Member of Shriners International since 1991. Staunch supporter of Liverpool’s Everton Football Club. Special thanks to the skilled and compassionate nursing staff at PRHC and to Frank’s Applewood Retirement Residence family, his home since 2017. Funeral service at NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH, 300 Sunset Blvd., Peterborough, on Thursday, September 19th at 11:00 am preceded by a Masonic Service at 10:30 am. Interment at Rosemount Memorial Gardens. Arrangements entrusted to COMSTOCK-KAYE LIFE CELEBRATION CENTRE, 356 Rubidge Street, Peterborough, Ontario, 705-745-4683. If so desired, donations in memory of Frank may be made to the Peterborough Regional Health Centre Foundation. Online condolences may be made at