“Dick” or “Archie” Archer, son of Melvin and Ethelyn Archer, loving husband of Pat Archer, passed away on August 10th at his home in Renton with his family by his side. He is survived by his wife Pat, and his children, Teresa, Charles, Jennifer, and Rebecca. As well as his stepchildren Keni, Ross, and Pam. He is also survived by his grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Richard worked as a customer support representative at Boeing until his retirement in 1995. Richard had many hobbies. In his earlier years he enjoyed riding motorcycles with his brother-in-law and called themselves the “Terrible Twos” as their weekend rides would usually end up with one or the other broken down on the side of the road. He also loved to fish, one of his favorite memories was landing this 15.5lb Steel Head on the Green River.
In his spare time, you could find him out on the golf course, visiting car shows or traveling with family and friends. His all-time favorite hobby though was taking photos. He spent endless hours taking photos out in nature, of old cars, of his family, and during any of his outings. It was a very rare site to see him without his camera.
We will all cherish the memories we have of him. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends.
Services will be held Wednesday, September 4th at Greenwood Memorial Park & Funeral Home at 10am.