Our beloved Dad, Basil (Bill) Mourafetis passed away on March 18th, 2024 at the age of 94, after leading quite a remarkable and blessed life. Dad was born to Aphrodite and George Mourafetis in Kalamata, Greece in 1929. His childhood was very difficult, characterized by the early death of his mother at age 5 and the 3 ½ year German WW2 occupation of Greece. In his later years, he would recount story after story of some of these horrific events. However, from this almost unimaginable childhood would spring the character, strength, goodness, and love that would so define Dad for the rest of his life.
After the Germans left and the war ended, Dad would join the Greek Navy as a Chief Petty Officer spending 12 years there. He always loved his time in the Navy and being out at sea. Eventually he made his way to Great Lakes Naval Base in North Chicago for an extended training event. It was here that his life would change forever. On one Sunday morning while walking to church he met his beloved Toula, whom he would wed and be married to for 64 + years.
They settled into a house in Palatine, Illinois and had three boys of their own: George, Billy, and Jimmy. Dad took a job at the local A&P grocery store while Mom (Demi to her co-workers) was hired as the Medical Record Director at the newly opened Northwest Community Hospital. Dad truly loved being a Dad to his three boys. He coached Little League, attended every childhood sporting event, and was always there every day with them. Coming from such a bleak war-torn childhood of his own, just being in the Chicago suburbs spending every day with his kids was a dream come true.
However, as so much of life can be, their peaceful suburban life was hit hard with the tragic early unexpected death of their beloved George (age 38). Mom and Dad never really recovered from the loss of their oldest son. However, as time passed, the births of their four grandchildren, Michael, Chrissie, Jameson, and Sam, would help lessen the pain. Mom and Dad, now affectionately known as Papou and Yia Yia, soon centered their life around their grandchildren.
As time passed, they found themselves both retired but fully enjoying their time together in Palatine. Outside of visiting with family, they spent lunches at Portillo’s, dinners watching Wheel of Fortune, and holidays entertaining with big Greek meals at their house.
As they entered their 80’s, the inevitable health issues started to show up. Mom started to experience memory issues and Dad had heart surgery at 83. He, however, in accordance with his lifelong physical health and endurance, bounced right back and was stronger than ever.
Dad’s strength and devotion was most apparent in the love of his life, Toula. His tremendous effort to take care of her as her dementia worsened was an amazing thing to witness, even as his stubbornness to leave her side was sometimes difficult for others. As he said, “they had become one and couldn’t be separated.” He wouldn’t let it happen. As we came to understand, Mom was the one who saved him from the early tragedies of his life, who gave him this new life in America, who gave him a family with children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He knew in his heart he couldn’t live without her. And in the end, thank God, he passed peacefully in his sleep with his beloved Toula, his family, and his loving care-giver Mirella by his side.
Our Dad lived a long and blessed life. He witnessed with the young eyes of a child the worst evil of this world. For the rest of his life, he chose to do the opposite. He chose to give to others. He chose to give happiness, respect, and love. God bless his soul!
Our Dad is survived by his: wife Dimetrola (Toula); sons William (Bill) with his wife Stephanie; and James (Jim) with his wife Julie; grandchildren Michael (spouse Laura), Chrissie, Jameson, Sam and CJ (spouse Haley); and five great grandchildren (Michael & Laura’s children: Luke & John), and (CJ & Haley’s children: Curtis, Harrison & Elizabeth).
May his memory be eternal!
A visitation for Basil will be held Tuesday, March 26, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Holy Transfiguration Greek Orthodox Church, 3431 Trickum Rd, Marietta, GA 30066, followed by a celebration of life at 11:00 AM.
Basil will be laid to rest in Green Lawn Cemetery, 950 Mansell Road, Roswell, Georgia 30076.
Contributions in Basil's memory may be made to Alzheimer’s Association, https://www.alz.org/.