Sheree was the adopted daughter of Richard Mearle Sturm and Jean Sturm. She was born in Hamilton County, Ohio and raised in Tipp City, Ohio where she graduated from Tippecanoe High School in 1976. In 1983, Sheree moved to Sarasota, Florida with her best friends, Joyce and Joe Blizman. There, she secured a job with Barnett Bank as a loan processor and then rose to executive secretary to the president, where she spent 14 years. In 1997, Sheree joined Ken Levanti in the family business at Sarasota Trophy & Awards, retiring in 2023.
Sheree first met Ken Levanti in 1984 on a blind date. They were married in May 1986. Soon after, they started their family with the birth of Sara Lillian Levanti and Daniel Joseph Levanti. Sheree’s joy was her family. She was always involved with the kids’ activities as a team mom—sewing uniforms and serving food. Her proudest moments were when she watched her children graduate from college and when she became Grandmother “Mimi” to identical twin girls, Aubrey and McKenzie Shapiro of Orlando, Florida.
Sheree is survived by her husband, Kenneth Levanti; daughter, Sara Shapiro (Levanti) and husband, David; granddaughters, Aubrey and McKenzie Shapiro; son Daniel Levanti and wife, Jessica; and brother Scott Sturm and wife Rachelle.
Sheree was blessed in 1988 to find her biological mother, Sally Davis Hershberger of Piqua, Ohio and her biological father, Doug Sotzing of Troy, Ohio. Sheree was also blessed with a number of siblings that soon became her extended family. Brother Bill (and Janie) Hershberger of Troy, Ohio; Sister Cindy (and Tom) Hershberger Lillicrap of Piqua, Ohio; Paul (and Ronda) Hershberger of Troy, Ohio; and Steve (and Mila) Hershberger of Kenton, Ohio; and numerous nieces and nephews.
Rest in peace, Sheree.
“May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”
In lieu of flowers, donations may be made in Sheree's memory to the All Star Children's Foundation at Click on "Donate" All donations are tax deductible.