Dale Brinkman passed away on December 3, 2023, at the age of 91. Dale was born at the family home in Ferndale, WA on February 28, 1932, to Julin and Melba Brinkman. He shared the birthday with his older sister, Lorraine, who was five years older.
He graduated from Ferndale High School in 1950. During his high school years, he lettered in basketball and track, was the business manager for the school yearbook, and was class president. When he was 15, he earned the Eagle Scout award and traveled to the Boy Scout World Jamboree in France. Also, during his teen years, he attended the Firs Bible Camp and at age 16 became a Christian after reading the Bible and becoming convinced of its truth.
Dale studied at Wheaton College in Illinois and ran track and cross country there. He graduated in 1954 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree, Majoring in Bible and Minoring in Education. He also had a diploma from the Orlinda Childs Pierce Memorial School of Theology for having completed a Major in the field of Bible. It was at Wheaton that he met his future wife, Anita, a missionary kid who was in training to be a nurse. They married in 1954 and were together for over 69 years.
After college, the young couple eventually settled in the Seattle area to raise their family. They raised two sons, Jim and Dan, and a daughter, Laura.
One of Dale's first jobs, after being ordained, was pastoring a church. He later worked as a public schoolteacher and then went into the banking industry before venturing on his own to offer investment advice to professionals. He also worked for various start-up businesses, Seattle Pacific University, and Pony Express. After retirement he spent 15 years working as his church’s custodian.
Dale served in many leadership capacities at his home church of Seattle United EFC and spent time on the boards of Black Lake Bible Camp, Trinity Western University, and the local school PTAs. He also taught Adult Sunday School classes for many years and sang in the church choir and Men's Quartet.
One of Dale’s loves in life (other than his wife) was playing golf. He was on his bank’s golf team and regularly played with anyone who would go with him.
Later in life, Dale began to experience memory loss (onset of dementia) and suffered a stroke in 2020. He and his wife managed to live independently while living next door to his eldest son and family. The demands of 24/7 caregiving placed an increasing stress on Anita, age 91, and it was decided to seek extended care and he was moved to Foss Home in September 2023.
Dale's health continued to deteriorate and at the end of November hospice was added to his care. He was only in hospice for 9 days before his death.
Dale was preceded in death by his parents, his sister, and his daughter. He is survived by his wife, his two sons and their wives, Laura’s husband, nine grandchildren and fifteen great-grandchildren.
A celebration of his life is being planned at United Evangelical Free Church 1420 NW 80th Street in Seattle, WA on January 20, 2024, at 2:00pm.