He is predeceased by his wife, Nancie Sue Mahan on March 31, 2019. They were married for 63 years.
He is predeceased by his parents, Stanley Mahan and Virda Mahan.
He is predeceased by his son, Stanley Mahan, and daughter, Dianne Mahan Pastore.
His two surviving children are Sue Mahan Branham and Christopher Mahan.
He has two grandsons, Daniel Stevenson and Andrew Stevenson, as well as a great-granddaughter, Athena Stevenson.
His surviving sisters are Sue Lucia and Faye Hodgson and a cousin, Larry Mahan.
Sterling Mahan spent 24 years in the United States Air Force and attained the rank of Master Sergeant. He initially trained at Edwards Air Force Base as an airplane mechanic and worked on famous airplanes such as the SR-71 Blackbird.
He was a member of the Free Masons for over 50 years. He was also a deacon in the Baptist Church for most of his life.
He will be interred at 9am on October 10, 2023 at East Lawn Palms Cemetery in Tucson, Arizona with full military honors.
Nancie Sue Mahan
Nancie Sue Mahan was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, on October 11, 1938. She passed away peacefully on March 31, 2019 at the age of 80 in Tucson, Arizona. She predeceased her husband, Sterling Lee Mahan (1932-2023). They were married for 63 years.
Her parents, Oscar Branson and Ethel Branson, predeceased her.
She was predeceased by a daughter, Dianne Mahan Pastore.
Her two living children ate Sue Mahan Branham and Christopher Mahan. Her oldest son, Stanley Mahan, later passed away (1956-2023).
She has two grandsons, Daniel Stevenson and Andrew Stevenson, as well as a great grand daughter, Athena Stevenson.
Two sisters, Ellen Thornburg and Pamela Watkins, predeceased her.
Still surviving are numerous nieces and nephews.
She was a longtime member of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority and held many offices.
She was quite sociable and loved to laugh.
Her ashes will be interred on Tuesday October 10, 2023 at 9am at Eastlawn Palms Cemetery, Tucson, Arizona, along with her husbands.
A graveside service for Sterling and Nancie will be held Tuesday, October 10, 2023 from 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM at East Lawn Palms Cemetery, 5801 East Grant Road, #C, Tucson, AZ 85712.
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at www.eastlawnpalmsmortuary.com for the Mahan family.