Patricia Walshak BianchiWife

Felix L. BianchiFather (deceased)

Rose Agnes Pozzi BianchiMother (deceased)

Stephen BianchiSon

Stephanie McCaffrey and her husband RickDaughter and Son-In-Law

Gerard Bianchi and his wife Kara MerrillSon and Daughter-In-Law

Alicia Steinkuehler and her husband KrisDaughter and Son-In-Law

Brian Bianchi and his wife Brenda RuhlandSon and Daughter-In-Law

Erik McCaffrey (Sara Davis)Grandchild

Shaun McCaffrey (Cathleen Meister)Grandchild

Brandon Steinkuehler (Chelsy Moore)Grandchild

Paige SteinkuehlerGrandchild

Matthew BianchiGrandchild

Nicholas BianchiGrandchild

Isabella BianchiGrandchild

Marielle BianchiGrandchild

Meera Merrill VermaGrandchild

Mia Merrill VermaGrandchild

Willodean SteinkuehlerGreat Grandchild

Grey SteinkuehlerGreat Grandchild

Ada SteinkuehlerGreat Grandchild

Maia McCaffreyGreat Grandchild

Declan McCaffreyGreat Grandchild

Finley McCaffreyGreat Grandchild

Felix L. BianchiBrother (deceased)

Wallace A. BianchiBrother (deceased)

Edward BianchiBrother (deceased)

Mr. Bianchi also leaves behind numerous extended family, all of whom will cherish his memory.


St. Clare of Assisi Catholic Church3131 El Dorado Blvd., Houston, Texas 77059

Holy Family Catholic Church704 Mallette Street, Victoria, Texas 77904


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