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Captain Gary C BridgesSon

Donna Arthur and husband DougDaughter

Hayley HillGrandchild

Tim Arthur and wife JoyGrandchild

Jeremy ArthurGrandchild

Lieutenant Colonel Robert Todd Bridges and wife AmandaGrandchild

Nicholas Bridges and wife RaquelGrandchild

Clare Weeks and husband WayneGrandchild

Crystal Yarbrough and husband ReuelGrandchild

Paige ArthurGreat Grandchild

Dylan GatesGreat Grandchild

Brynn Shorkey and husband StephenGreat Grandchild

Macey Hawthorne and husband CharlieGreat Grandchild

Carly CummingsGreat Grandchild

Addison BridgesGreat Grandchild

Reagan BridgesGreat Grandchild

Ryan ArthurGreat Grandchild

Thomas BridgesGreat Grandchild

Emma BridgesGreat Grandchild

Ari BridgesGreat Grandchild

Jaxon IngramGreat-great grandchild

Major ShorkeyGreat-great grandchild

Marjorie CrabbSister

Francis HummelSister

Carl and Bessie BridgesParents (deceased)

Loyce Neel BridgesWife (deceased)

Joyce Fuller BridgesWife (deceased)

Marty TatumDaughter-in-law (deceased)

Many nieces and nephews also survive.


Jeremy Arthur

Tim Arthur

Nicholas Bridges

Robert Todd Bridges

Jim Fuller

Ryan Signorelli


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