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He is survived by his wife, Pam Clifton Leslie of Macon, two daughters, Brandi Leslie of Senoia, Wendy Leslie of Macon, son, Blake (Chad) Leslie of Fishkill, NY, four grandchildren, Laurel Faye, Carmen Sambulski, Kameron Gordon, Karlie Wright, two sisters, Sandra Knowles of Bremen, and Jo Anne Holland of Newnan, and several nieces and nephews.He is survived by his wife, Pam Clifton Leslie of Macon, two daughters, Brandi Leslie of Senoia, Wendy Leslie of Macon, son, Blake (Chad) Leslie of Fishkill, NY, four grandchildren, Laurel Faye, Carmen Sambulski, Kameron Gordon, Karlie Wright, two sisters, Sandra Knowles of Bremen, and Jo Anne Holland of Newnan, and several nieces and nephews.


Cure PSP.org1216 Broadway, New York, New York 10001


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