Rose MacArthurMother (deceased)

Dougald KennedyFather (deceased)

Besides his parents, Kevin was predeceased by his infant brother Stephen (1947) as well as his favourite lady, Dyney Gillis. Kevin is survived by his siblings and their families, and his cat; Dougald (Marijke) and his children Stephanie, Rebecca and Peter (Erin) (and their mother Monica); Corrine (Mike Donnelly) and their children Chrissy (Ale) and Sean; Gordie and Jan and his children Gordon (Kerry), Ellen (John), Megan (Brett) and Steven (and their mother Johnena); Norma and her daughter, Verna; and his beloved cat Guinness.


Citizens Caring For Animals (Inverness Group)P.O Box 392, Inverness, Nova Scotia B0E 1N0

Central Inverness Palliative Care SocietyP.O Box 610, Inverness, Nova Scotia B0E 1N0

Mill Road Social Enterprises20 Mill Road, Inverness, Nova Scotia B0E 1N0


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