Phillip and Sheryl AlexanderSon and Daughter-in-Law

David and Sherry AlexanderSon and Daughter-in-Law

Shane MinshewGrandson

Chad Alexander and wife AmyeGrandson

Tara Graham and husband ScottGranddaughter

Holly MinorGranddaughter

Jeffrey Alexander and wife JenniferGrandson

Amy Stamm and husband JohnGranddaughter

Sara Ann MinshewGreat-Granddaughter

Wyatt, Preston and Garrett GrahamGreat-Grandchildren

David and Michelle MinorGreat-Grandchildren

Avery and Maryn AlexanderGreat-Grandchildren

Aidan and Preston HallGreat-Grandchildren

Phillip, Andrew and AlyssaGreat-Grandchildren

Mildred PoeSister

Johnnie BostonSister

Mrs. Alexander was also survived by numerous nieces, nephews and friends. She was preceded in death by her husband, Phillip Alexander Sr.; daughter, Katherine Minshew; parents, Alice White Jackson and John Jackson; sisters, Mabel Knight and Winnie Massingill; and grandsons, John David Alexander and Jeremy Alexander.


Larry JacksonActive

Chris JacksonActive

Scott GrahamActive

Chad AlexanderActive

Jeffrey AlexanderActive

Greg BostonActive


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