Charles MurphyNephew

David MurphyNephew

Margaret PriceNiece

Judy MurphyNiece

Carolyn HathornNiece

Sally Jo PariseNiece

Alice Parise, Widow of Nephew, Garland PariseNiece

She is also survived by several great-nephews and great-nieces. Katie was preceded in death by her husband, Sam B. Hayter, Jr. in 1963; her parents, Myrtle (PerryP and Louis D. Parise, Sr.; four sisters, Mary Louis Parise, Irene Murphy, Virginia Hathorn, and Lucille Parise; brother, Louis D. Parise, Jr.; and nephew, Garland Louis Parise.


David MurphyActive

Charles MurphyActive

Jarod MurphyActive

Jason MurphyActive

Justin Murphy Active

Jacob BosquezActive


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