Eddie had received a diagnosis in September that he had a very aggressive form of esophageal cancer. The diagnosis was terminal, yet he was determined to do everything possible to prolong his life, to spend as much quality time as he could playing golf and spending time with his family. He fought hard, but his battle was cut short and he was taken from us on November 15th. He passed peacefully; surrounded by the people that he loved in the place that he loved. The family is struggling to come to terms with the loss of such a healthy man taken from them so soon. Our hearts are broken, and yet we are so lucky to have lived the adventure of loving this wonderful man for the time that we did have with him. His love for his wife, children, and grandchildren knew no bounds and they will carry this with them throughout their lives. He touched so many lives and meant so much to so many others. Seeing this love for him brings our family so much joy and pride. We always knew what a wonderful man he was, but to see it and hear it from others that knew him, is beyond amazing, Thank you for this. Love to all, and when you feel the warmth of the sun on your face, think of Eddie. The Hochschild Family


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