On behalf of Steve's family we sincerely thank you for your kind and thoughtful condolences as we mourn the sudden loss of our beautiful Steven. Never forget the "twinkle" in his eyes, the way he made you feel as if you were the only person in the room and if you were a Fighting Irish Notre Dame fan you were sure to be his forever best friend. In lieu of flowers, kindly consider donating to the below, keeping Steven's love of animals, nature and of course, Maui (an extra special place) where he's likely jumping off Black Rock having a blast! https://www.mauihumanesociety.org Sympathy Tree Planting https://lp.thegiftedtree.com/?utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Gift%20Trees%20-%20Search&utm_term=plant%20a%20tree%20in%20memory&utm_content=Memorial%20Trees https://www.memberplanet.com/campaign/cnhamembers/kakoomaui https://www.hawaiiancouncil.org Warmest thanks the Hardy family.

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