Donna and I were a team for over 50 years. Throughout our lives, her phenomenal intuitiveness, understanding, thoughtfulness, compassion for others, and keen understanding of how things work in “the real world” always kept our team on a responsible and wise course. I remember when I first met Donna at a locker in 8th grade; she asked my buddy to bring me (“the cute guy”, in her words) to the next Police Athletic League Dance. She “caught my eye as well” -- I asked her to dance almost every dance! We fell in love, and throughout the years we grew even closer and our love continued to mature. Our team had so many wonderful and joyful experiences, thanks to Donna’s beautiful personality -- and I would like to share a few with you. As many of you know, after leaving Harrisburg, we lived in Upstate New York, and then moved to Auburn (I would be very remiss if I didn’t mention that she was quite a dedicated Tiger fan!). Donna’s joyful, warm, outgoing, and endearing personality had a lovely and enriching effect everywhere we lived and with everyone we met. Her inclusive and welcoming nature brought all the people in the neighborhoods where we lived together with a greater sense of community, mutual understanding, and affection. Donna loved Christmas, Hallmark ornaments, and doing Crafts. She relished devoting time loving our dogs, Ruffian, Locket, and now Darcy. She stayed connected with friends from high school, and the friendships nurtured throughout our lives. A friend of Donna’s, was her friend for life. She treasured enduring friendships with Lynette and Kevin; Marge and John; Ed and Jerry; The Martini Family; The Cooper Family; Betty and Jim; and Larry – but to name a few. Donna had great affection and treasured our family relationships with the McKillips and Riebmans. A dearest family member said: Donna had “a heart as big as the moon”-- and nothing could be truer. Donna was a wonderful sister-in-law to Jill and Harris and their children Justin and Evan. She loved my brother Brian and always made sure of his well-being. Among Donna’s cherished times were spent with our nephew, Mitch; his wife Tracy; and their son Ryan when they visited our home, we spent time at their motor home, went tail-gaiting, and then to Auburn football games. Donna also very much enjoyed the many late night conversations she had with our nephew, Tim, and her friendship with Tim’s fiancé, Mindy. Donna had a deep, beloved, and special kinship with Sandy and David and their Family. Sandy and Donna were best friends and loved each other from the time they met. Donna was particularly heartfelt when bonding with their children and grandchildren. Also known as “Fun Donna”, she enlivened and brought many smiles and joys to all. Donna treasured every moment she spent with our niece Michelle and her best friend, Mark. Michelle ……Donna adored you, embraced you, and loved you like a daughter. As a I look out at everyone here today, I’m sure that you, too, can recall how Donna touched your life in so many joyful, happy, and memorable ways. Donna: as in the Temptations song “My Girl” – “You always created sunshine for us, even on a cloudy day”. I was lucky – very lucky – to have you as my teammate; you completed me. I will cherish our memories and love you forever. Thank you all for being here today. By Lenny (January 13, 2019) shared at Donna’s Celebration of Life, VFW, New Cumberland PA ODE TO MY SISTER IN LAW DONNA LOCK Written 4/25/2019 From Jill Lock I miss you now after 4 months of your passing even more. You absence has left a hole in our hearts. You were my sister in law. But before you officially married into the family, you were a part of our family already for over 20 years. When I was a bratty teenager, you were kind enough to lend my your apartment for my romantic rendevous. When I grew up and got married and became a mother of two sons, you took an active interest in their lives. You were there for their participation in plays and graduation from high school. When they were young, you and Lenny took them to Hershey Park for the day and generously paid for their admissions to the amusement park when all they wanted to do was eat the kosher food! You were so thoughtful and giving. When I came to visit you over the weekend in Alabama, you made sure to get challah and have candles for me to welcome the Sabbath. You prepared me special food. This all took great efforts. And we had a good long talk that Friday night when you said stayed home with me while Lenny took my mother and Justin to a sports event. For my 57th birthday, you surprised me and also brought my mother from Harrisburg to celebrate my special day. You remembered all the birthdays of our family and holidays and chose special gifts for each member of the family, even our dog, Tova. I don't know of any other dog who has squeaky toys like a dreidel, bagel and lox. You were so compassionate when my mother died and I talked to you about my grief and told you how I talked to my mother every day - you said “Call me”. And I called you LOTS on the phone – the phone cords were warm from PA to Alabama with our long talks on the phone. You were a good listener. I always enjoyed our talks and we ended our conversations with “I love you”. You were so involved in taking care of Brian and visiting him when you were in Harrisburg and participating on the conference calls. You sought to make his life better and looked for opportunities that he could get out more and enjoy life: the monthly dances and weekly art classes. You explored the possibilities for Brian and made it happen. How do we go on with this big emptiness in our hearts? We know we must and we will honor your life by keeping your memories in our hearts and living life as you would want us to and think of our experiences with you to guide us for the future. DONNA – I miss you so much! I love you so much! Jill

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