JoAnne StewartWife

Cindy (Rick) PhillipsDaughter and Son- In- Law

Cheryl (Ernie) CarlisleDaughter and Son- In- Law

Patti (David) BarchieDaughter and Son- In- Law

Kenny (Faye) StewartSon and Daughter- in- law

Gary (Dereida) BrownSon and Daughter in law

Karl (Paula) BrownSon and Daughter- in- law

Bryon (Katie) AllsupGrandson & Wife

Shannon AllsupGrandchild

Brandon (Joi) HubbardGrandson & Wife

Jackson StewartGrandchild

Kallie BrownGrandchild

Hannah BrownGrandchild

Lucas BrownGrandchild

Max AllsupGreat-grandson

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