Carol CrawfordSister

Melissa and husband Mike RolesDaughter and Son-in-law

Leighza WalkerDaughter

David and wife Kate WalkerSon and Daughter-in-law

Andrew and John CopelandBonus Kids

Cristy and Stacy MitchellBonus Kids

Jason WalkerSon (deceased)

Butch WalkerBrother (deceased)

Vickie and Carl WalkerParents (deceased)

Grandchildren, Justin Gaskins, Jaden, Lindsey and Michael Roles, Clarity, Chloe, Cassidy and Rider Welch, Ridgley, Sarah and Kyle Walker; Great grandchildren, Lilliana Roles, Molly and Scarlett Gaskins and Astor Roles; Niece, Brandy Boyd and great niece, Peyton Sellers. A host of friends also survive to treasure his memory.


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