Born 4/22/51 end of watch 9/3/23
Leslie “Les” Parr was born in Southgate, California to Richard and Shirley Parr, he is survived by his daughter Dawn, two sons Jeremy and Shane, their spouses, 8 grandchildren, 3 great grandchildren and as well as several cousins, nieces, nephews and aunts. In 1974 he began what would become a lifetime of service to others when he joined the California Department of Forestry as a firefighter and retired as the Burrell Station Captain in 2003. Throughout that time he served not only as an engineer but was also an arson investigator, he was at the time of his appointment the youngest person ever to become a member of the State Arson Task Force, he was number 2 in the state for felony arson arrests for two years running, a Battalion Chief, and helped to coordinate the response to several large fires throughout the state. He not only risked his own life countless times but also saved many lives throughout his career and received multiple commendations for his heroic service. When his fire fighting career ended his life of service to others did not, he continued to help others by serving at the Victor Valley Alano Club for several years after helping several others on their road to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction as well as serving as Club Treasurer on the Board of Trustees. His service didn’t end there though, his most heroic act of all was in service to his mother , our beloved grandmother Shirley who passed on December 7, 2019. As her health failed and she needed more constant care our father, forever the hero stepped in and became her caregiver for a number of years ultimately giving up his beloved NASCAR trips to take care of her for the rest of her days, it was the ultimate act of selflessness and heroism, forever the cowboy , a knight in shining armor, he’s earned his wings, may he rest in peace.