Alan was born at St. Joseph’s Hospital to Emil and Bernadine Wolcik on March 6, 1945. Many may not know Alan had polio as a child. Alan had a great life. He worked long and hard (he loved it) and played even harder. Alan was an avid catamaran sailor; he loved the sea and racing.
Alan was in the Army in Vietnam as a rear gunner. Later Alan worked for Emil at his Shell gas station, worked for Coca-Cola, had his own Shell station for 15 years. Worked for Wismer Distributing for 50 years (BEST job ever).
Alan loved the Rotary and all it stood for. Is it the Truth, Is it Fair, will it build goodwill and better friendship? Is it beneficial to all concerned? Alan loved working for them and for all the charities they donated to.
Alan was a religious man who really appreciated all the prayers he got and trusted in The Lord. Character wise Alan would help his fellow man when they needed it. He carried pet food in his car for strays. Almost all of his pets were rescues.
Alan is survived by wife Vicki Harbers, son Vance Wolcik and wife Dina, sister Joann Cothran and husband Monty, nieces Joanna Teitel and husband Phillip, Wendy Ezernack and husband Joseph, Kathi Boone and husband Wesley, Edna Tiner and husband Charles “Randy”, Jamie Verrett and nephews Larry Cothran and wife Eileen, Matthew Verrett, many beloved cousins, friends and best friends KoKo, Wendy and Blackie.
Alan LOVED his party. He loved seeing and talking with his friends and thought it was wonderful so many people showed up and had such a good time. Love and blessings to Alan and all of you!
Fond memories and expressions of sympathy may be shared at for the Wolcik family.