Date of death 12/2/2023, Place of death Bogota Colombia
Date of Birth February 18, 1932, Place of birth Bogota Colombia
Parents Serafin & Anita Moya
Siblings: Jose, Serafin, Cecilia, Dicely, Uriel, Auli
Married May 6, 1972 to William Flynn
Nelly lived a full and happy life. She enjoyed gardening, exercising, and traveling. She was a devoted catholic and never missed a card party or church event. Nelly was always excited to have visitors, especially her grandchildren. Her grandchildren meant the world to her and she cherished every moment with them. She lived in New York with her husband Bill until 2020 when her son Edward moved them to Las Vegas. She loved her time living so close to her son and grandchildren. Family was the most important thing to her. In her last year she went to her country Bogota, Colombia to live with her brother and his family as well as her beloved sister. Nelly enjoyed her time living with them.
She is survived by husband William (Bill), son Edward and wife Christine, grand children Michael & Sophia.
surviving siblings: Jose, Cecilia & Serafin
Memorial Services Friday, December 22, 2023 2:00-3:00pm
Location Palm Mortuary 7400 W Cheyenne Ave Las Vegas, NV 89129