Virginia Marquez Lopez, a beloved mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, passed away on
March 14, 2024, at the age of 70. She was born on May 26, 1953, in Nogales, Sonora, Mexico, to
her loving parents, Jesus and Apolonia Lopez.
Virginia was a pillar of strength and grace within her family. She leaves traces of love and
adoration behind that remains forever cherished by her family. Survived by her daughter, Mayra
Barnes, and her son-in-law, Kenneth Barnes, who carry on her legacy with the many memories
they shared.
Some of Virginia's greatest feelings of pride and joy were her grandchildren, Savannah Barron,
Natalie Barron, Kaemen Barnes, and Kyson Barnes, who brought endless laughter and adoration
into her life.
Also, a beloved sister of Maria, Eva, Esperanza, Teodora, Trini, Silverio, and Francisco, and
predeceased by Jesus, Jose, Gilberto, and Jose Luis, she is a testament to the enduring strength
and unity of the family, as it reminds us that her story does not end with her passing but
continues through the lives of those she inspired.
Virginia’s story does not end with her passing but continues through the lives of those she
inspired. Especially her nieces and nephews, who remember her for her unwavering faith, gentle
spirit, and selfless devotion to her family. Her memory will be a treasure held in the hearts of
those who loved her, serving as a beacon of light that will continue to inspire and guide us. The
service is devoted to honoring Virginia’s remarkable life, where Adrian Lopez, Daniel Lerma,
Jimmy (JR) Verdoza, Kenneth Barnes, Rene Lopez, and Rudy Paniagua are serving as
pallbearers. Though Virginia may no longer walk among us, she lives on in the hearts of those
who were fortunate enough to know her. May her soul rest in peace, and her memory be a
blessing to us all.
Virginia Márquez López, una querida madre, abuela, hermana y amiga, falleció el 14 de marzo
de 2024, a la edad de 70 años. Nació el 26 de mayo de 1953 en Nogales, Sonora, México, siendo
hija de sus amorosos padres, Jesús y Apolonia López.
Virginia fue un pilar de fortaleza y gracia dentro de su familia. Deja rastros de amor y adoración
que su familia siempre atesorará. Le sobreviven su hija, Mayra Barnes, y su yerno, Kenneth
Barnes, quienes llevan adelante su legado con los muchos recuerdos que compartieron.
Uno de los mayores orgullos y alegrías de Virginia fueron sus nietos, Savannah Barron, Natalie
Barron, Kaemen Barnes y Kyson Barnes, quienes llenaron su vida de risas y cariño sin fin.
También fue una hermana muy querida para María, Eva, Esperanza, Teodora, Trini, Silverio y
Francisco, y precedida en la muerte por Jesús, José, Gilberto y José Luis, demostrando ser un
testimonio de la fuerza y unidad permanente de la familia. Esto nos recuerda que su historia no
termina con su partida, sino que continúa a través de las vidas de aquellos a quienes inspiró.
La historia de Virginia no termina con su fallecimiento, sino que sigue viva a través de las vidas
de aquellos a quienes inspiró. Especialmente sus sobrinos y sobrinas, quienes la recuerdan po
A funeral services for Virginia will be held Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 11:00 AM at Resthaven/ Carr-Tenny, 4310 E. Southern Ave, Phoenix, Az 85042. Following the funeral services will be a burial service at 1:30 PM at Resthaven/Carr-Tenny, 4310 E. Southern Ave, Phoenix, AZ.