Kenneth G. Baker, a beloved resident of Rochester Hills, Michigan, passed away on July 18, 2024, at the age of 60. Ken graduated from Rochester High School before his professional path led him to engineering, where he held various positions at GM and Stellantis.
Beyond his career, Ken was fond of many things. He enjoyed understanding and tinkering with engines and mechanical systems. He loved the outdoors. Ken cherished the bond he shared with his friends. Some of his best times were golfing, camping, hunting, fishing, and snowmobiling with them. His great passion was spending time on his motorcycle. His bike allowed him the freedom and the exhilaration of the open road. We all miss Ken greatly but his faithful companion, his dog Iggy, is still waiting for Ken to return home
He is survived by his dear mother, Eileen Baker; his sisters, Karen (Andy) Hanssen and Janet (Brian) Gravelle; his nephews, Gabe Henderson and Jake Henderson; and nieces Emily Coppinger, Maggie Hanssen, Lily Hanssen, and Molly Gravelle.