Losing a Loved One

Losing a loved one is among the hardest things any of us will ever face. Dealing with death is difficult, and grief can sometimes be overwhelming. It’s hard to know what to say, do or even feel when you’re going through the grief process. Our resources can help guide you along the path of healing.

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Deje que Imagine: Una guía de inspiración conmemorativa inspire su servicio perfecto.

What to do after someone dies

Losing someone can be a challenging and painful experience. At some point, most of us will find ourselves coping with a loss—and perhaps needing help. You may need assistance with practical matters as well as grief support. We are here for you.

Remembering a loved one

Doing something special to honor a loved one who has passed can be an important part of the grieving process. Many people mark holidays or anniversaries, but any day is a good day to remember a special person you hold dear.

Helping yourself with a loss

Grief is different for each person. There’s no schedule you need to follow and no set path you need to take. Some find it helpful to talk to family and friends. Others seek professional support or find comfort in writing or meditating. Just be kind to yourself.

Imagine una planificación funeraria diferente

Un funeral o un servicio conmemorativo debe ser un tipo de celebración única. Todos tienen su propia historia. ¿Cómo quieres contar la tuya? Imagine es un libro lleno de ideas para crear un recuerdo hermoso e inolvidable de usted o de un ser querido. Descargue Imagine para comenzar a planear un tributo inolvidable hoy.

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