Ruthe Virginia Faulkner

3 septiembre , 192316 septiembre , 2018
 Obituario de Ruthe Virginia Faulkner


Demaine Funeral Home

Ruthe Virginia Canfield Faulkner September 3, 1923 - September 16, 2018 Elegant, beautiful, thoughtful, creative, talented, and gracious are just a few of the words that describe Ruthe Faulkner. Loved by all who knew her, Ruthe was a loyal, fun-loving, true-blue friend who loved to laugh and could be a little mischievous! Born Ruth Virginia Canfield on September 3, 1923 in Brownell, Kansas, she grew up in a Methodist minister’s family with seven siblings. Her life was filled with laughter, especially due to the antics of her older brothers and when trying to be serious when singing in her daddy’s church with her four sisters! Ruthe (she added the “e” to Ruth because “it was more unique”) attended Hutchinson High School, in Hutchinson, Kansas, where she played trombone and marched in the band. She met Luther when he came around to the parsonage: he was smitten immediately, but Ruthe, at only 16, was not ready for a steady beau! They did remain friends in succeeding years, corresponding regularly after Luther enlisted in the Army in 1941. Meanwhile Ruthe graduated high school and began classes at Hutchinson Junior College. As part of her course of study in Home Economics, she designed and created her own wedding dress and trousseau. This came in handy when Lu finally came home on leave and the now 21-year-old Ruthe knew “he was the one!” They were married the following Tuesday--which happened to be July 4, 1944--by Ruthe’s father, in his church. After a year of traveling together to Flight Training posts around the country, Lu deployed to England as a B17 pilot in the 8th Army Air Corps. In 1952 Lu was recalled to the new U.S. Air Force, and he made it his career. Ruthe loved military life, and at each new posting she contributed her creativity and leadership skills to the Officers Wives Clubs, community activites, and various churches and chapels. When they were posted to England, Ruthe learned to play golf. When they went to Panama with the Air Force, she played even more golf, and became an enthusiastic member of the Protestant Women of the Chapel, serving as President of the Canal Zone PWOC Council. She also served on the board of the Officers Wives Club and sang, danced, and sewed costumes for the Tropichords, an Air Force Wives troupe. After moving to Virginia in 1965, Lu and Ruthe quickly engaged in their community as members of Aldersgate United Methodist Church and the Waynewood Citizens Association. Ruthe sang in the Aldersgate Chancel Choir and was active in United Methodist Women all her years at Aldersgate in leadership and as a member of Esther Circle. She also served on various parish committees. She sang in the Air Force Band’s ladies ensemble known as the Skylarks, and enjoyed serving on the Women’s Committee of the National Symphony Orchestra. She was an avid golfer well into her later years, and in Waynewood Garden club won many prizes for her beautifully arranged flowers. Ruthe’s family legacy consists of three children and their spouses: Paula Snyder, Tom and Marcia Faulkner, and Mark and Karalee Romaneski. Beloved by her eight grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren, Ruthe was deeply devoted to her family and her church. We, her family, are comforted by the sure knowledge that she now is, at last, home in the Presence of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The memorial service at Aldersgate United Methodist Church will be announced as soon as a date has been appointed for her burial at Arlington National Cemetery. Ruthe’s remains will be inurned alongside her beloved Luther in his niche at the Arlington Colombarium.

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Servicios Previos

viernes, 14 junio, 2019

Graveside Service