Irene Kakaviatos

6 agosto , 193031 mayo , 2020
 Obituario de Irene Kakaviatos


Murphy Funeral Homes

To our beloved mom, Irene Kakaviatos. She left us at 12:26 pm, Sunday 31 May 2020 Born 6 August on the windswept Cyclades island of Syros, Irene Makris was a patriot, loving Greece with all her heart. Like many other Greeks, her parents moved to Athens, where mom earned her graduate degree in pharmacology at the University of Athens. During her years in Athens, she fell in love with our father Nikos Kakaviatos. A medical student, Nikos earned an internship in Albany, New York in 1955, the same year that began their 51-year marriage. Although mom and dad did not intend to move to the United States, that is what happened. They lived the American Dream, embracing their new country and becoming U.S. citizens. Mom found work in the U.S. before dad, as a lab chemist. But when dad set up his medical office, she became office manager, accountant and receptionist all in one. As organized as a drill sergeant, Irene prepared for everything. Her mind was as quick as a whip. After treating his patients all day, dad would wind down and work on crossword puzzles while watching television, but mom would be up and about during the commercials, preparing fruit salads or offering us chocolates. Or she would remember some household issue and rush to our home desk to take care of it. Indeed, when not running dad’s office, she ran the household. When we got a dog, mom ended up walking it. They always loved Greece and kept close ties to the Greek-American community throughout their lives together. We often vacationed in Greece. And mom was proud and talented in the kitchen, making superb Greek meals. And when it came to clean up, she prohibited any assistance: “This is my kitchen!” she emphasized. Irene was a dynamo – and a most joyful, friendly and sensitive person to all who knew her. She took time to listen to people and help when she could. Her friends knew her and loved her for that. She and Nikos enjoyed socializing, often going to parties and dinners. And mom proved to be a fabulous hostess. A major annual event was dad’s Giorti (Greek for “name day” that celebrates the day of the year associated with one’s name) on December 6th. Some 200 guests came over for that occasion, including the many Greek ambassadors that dad treated as a doctor. Mom proudly prepared almost all the foods in time to greet guests at the door with a smile. When dad succumbed to cancer on 30 May 2007, depression filled her world, but she insisted on staying at the family home, as she loved tending her garden. She slowly recovered, and again joined friends for social gatherings, attending local garden and book club meetings and church events. Irene was a loving mom to us. And a loving grandmother to Eleni and George Zaras. We know and cherish how much she cared and loved. Sadly, a few years before her passing, dementia struck her alert mind. Following home care, Irene lived the last 18 months of her life at Sunrise in Arlington. We visited often, held hands, hugged and kissed. COVID19 took her away from us, as it struck so many others in her age group around the world. We mourn our dear mother, who would have turned 90 this year. And we take comfort in the many years that Irene blessed us with her presence, how she embraced and enjoyed life and brought happiness to friends and loved ones. She is with Nikos now. Ο Θεός να είναι μαζί σου μαμά. Σ'αγαπάμε. Konstantina Zaras and Panos Kakaviatos

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