Paul Warring Fish

12 abril , 193328 mayo , 2021
 Obituario de Paul Warring Fish


Murphy Funeral Homes

[Arlington, VA.] Paul W. Fish died peacefully in his sleep on May 28, 2021. He was eighty-eight years old. Born and raised in Ligonier, PA and a long-time resident of Jones Mills, PA, Mr. Fish graduated from St. Vincent Prep. School in 1951 and enlisted in the Navy. Following service as an Aviation Electronics Technician, he earned BSEE and MSEE degrees from The Catholic University of America and a JD from George Washington University. Initially a patent attorney by training, his over forty-year legal career included employment as the first electrical patent attorney at Xerox, heading the Patent Department at Burroughs Corp. and serving as General Counsel at the Jos. Schlitz Brewing Co. and Comdisco, Inc. (as well as Of Counsel positions in several law firms). He was privileged to work with many notable inventors, and his clients uniformly appreciated his ability to understand their inventions and help them obtain appropriate (and occasionally notably lucrative) protections for their innovations. He was an “old school” lawyer in the sense that he believed he naturally should provide counsel on all aspects of his client’s / friend’s / family’s activities (and needn’t always wait for them to explicitly ask for his opinion). His counsel often took the form of joyfully recounted stories (many, though not all, of which featured a “simple country boy” who had to travel “uphill both ways” to reach a desired result). The fact that a story had perhaps been used more than once did not necessarily diminish its’ didactic value, he believed. His children are compiling a list of “Paul Fish-isms” and any input is kindly solicited. He supported many charitable causes and served as a member of the Board of Regents of The Catholic University of America for several years. He was especially devoted to the Benedictine Community of St. Vincent Archabbey, and particularly valued the Prep. Alumnus of Distinction Award he received from St. Vincent in 2013. Mr. Fish was predeceased by his wife of forty-four years, Jacquelyn Ann (Shea) Fish (1934-2003), his parents and his eight siblings. He is survived by his wife, Kathleen, of Frankford, DE; his children Jackie Rees, John, Catherine Mossler, Ed, Chuck, and their spouses; fourteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren. In accordance with Mr. Fish’s expressed wishes (and ever evolving pandemic-related practices), the immediate family will hold a simple interment following a Memorial Mass (to be scheduled) at St. Vincent. Something more akin to a proper Irish wake will also be scheduled for a date and location to be determined following the summer. Those desiring to make a donation in Mr. Fish’s memory are encouraged to consider The Benedictine Health & Welfare Fund of St. Vincent Archabbey, which supports care for aging and infirm monks. [for questions please contact [email protected] or see ]

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