Ms. Jenny Lijane (Wu) Chung

15 marzo , 194623 mayo , 2019
 Obituario de Ms. Jenny Lijane (Wu) Chung
Ms. Jenny Lijane (Wu) Chung, was born on March 15th, 1946 in Manchuria (Northeast China) Xiaofengman Hydroelectric Power Plant on the Songhua River, and passed away on May 23, 2019 at the Shima Tamura Hot Springs Inn in Gunma Prefecture, Japan. She was 73 years old. Lijane was the second daughter of the Wu family: father Wu Teng Kwei, mother Wu Chun Hsia, sisters Liyun, Lizhu, and Liyee, and brothers Chizhong (John) and Chidi (Peter). She had a son, Alan, daughter-in-law Julia, and grandson Henry (Hank). After World War II, in 1947, her family fled China and returned to Taiwan with young Lijane and older sister Liyun. After returning to Taiwan, the family lived in Taipei, Hualien, and Taichung, moving around according to the needs of her father’s job. She graduated from the department of Agriculture Economics, National Chung Hsing University. Arrived the United States in 1969, first going to Kansas State University and then to California and Boston. She settled down in Northern Virginia in 1975. Her only child, Alan, was born in 1979. She had a Masters of Science degree in Systems Engineering from West Coast University, was was a successful career woman, worked for various entities including Harvard University, CSC and the federal government. She retired from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in 2014. She loved life, and was very independent and curious. She had unique insights into life, culture, art, and music. She enjoyed painting, singing, and gardening. She loved Japanese culture and food. She also liked to say that she was a Manchu girl. She had been taking Japanese lessons for the past 10 years, but even she likely did not anticipate her Japanese would be so useful at the last. She was an elegant lady, brought up under her mother's Japanese and Taiwanese style. She always had a smile on her face, did not talk much, and rarely raised her voice. She was hospitable and enjoyed cooking for friends and family. She was a lady with style! She was a very strong lady. The difficult end of her marriage did not deter her. Her biggest accomplishment in life was raising her son Alan to be the man he is today, and she was so proud and happy when Alan married Julia. Her grandson Hank was her universe, and Hank’s smile was her best medicine, she once said. After the sadness of losing her younger brother, she pressed forward. Her chronic back pain was constant and unbearable, but she took it all in stride, and faced all challenges head on gracefully. She was the rock of the family, especially to her younger brothers and sisters. She was the first one in the family to come to the United States, and became the guardian and caretaker of her young siblings who came after her. She made everything easy for us to survive in the States. Please do not cry for her. If this is fate, she chose the most beautiful way to leave us. When she passed away, she was in the most amazingly picturesque Japanese hot spring resort, enjoying the hot springs and traditional Japanese steam bath, her favorite in life. Her son, sisters and nieces honored her with a Japanese-style funeral, lots of flowers, simple, elegant, exactly her style. We know she would not have it any other way. She had a great life, though too short. Her son Alan has a great family, mature, hard working and loving, with wife Julia and grandson Hank. We know Jenny has fulfilled her job in life. She is free from her back pain. She is with her father, mother and younger brother in eternity. 吳麗娟女士, 1946年三月十五日出生在滿州國(中國東北) 松花江畔的小豊滿水力電廠,2019年五月二十三曰在山明水秀的日本群馬縣四万田村溫泉區逝世。享年七十三歲。 麗娟是吳家的次女,父吳登貴,母吳春霞,姊妹麗雲,麗珠及麗玉,弟弟啓忠及啓迪。獨子鍾維亮,媳婦Julia 及孫子鍾恆一 (Hank)。 在二戰之後,1947年襁褓中的她跟著父母顛沛流離中逃離中國回到台灣。她回台湾後隨著父親的水力工程的需求住過台北, 花蓮, 台中。畢業於中興大學農經系, 1969來美國, 初來時在 Kansas State University 然後到加州, 波士頓,1975年到Northern Virginia定居, 1979年生下 獨子鍾維亮(Alan)。她在West Coast University 取得 Systems Engineering 碩士學位,一直工作到2014年從聯邦政府國税局 (IRS) 退休。 她是一個熱愛生活的人, 非常的獨立又好奇。對於生活, 文化, 藝術, 音樂的修養都有獨到的見解。喜歡畫畫,唱歌及園藝。她熱愛日本的文化及食物,一直很認真的學習日文,也喜歡説她是滿州姑娘, 没想到她的日文終於派上用場。 她是一個優雅的女士, 在母親日式及台灣式的教養下, 在朋友圈中, 不多話, 時常掛著笑臉, 很少看她大聲说话. 多禮好客, 煮得一手好菜. 很有格調。 她非常堅强,歴經婚姻的挫折, 一個人持家把兒子養大成家立業。她的孫子恆一(Hank )是她的摯愛,媳婦更是對她呵護有加。 歷經失去小弟的悲傷, 她仰然以對。歷經背痛的折磨, 依然邁出脚步,勇敢的生活,退休後到各地旅遊。 她是吳家弟妹們的指標, 來美之後,細心呵護每一位來美國留學的弟妹,辛勤的引導弟妹們成家立業。 請不要為她哭泣。如果這是宿命,她選擇了最美麗的方式離開我們。她走的時候是在風景如畫的日本渡假溫泉區,泡溫泉洗岩根的蒸氣浴,做她最喜愛的事。她的兒子,姊妹及姪女們用莊嚴的日式葬禮,在一片花海中送她離開塵世。 她兒子成材, 媳婦懂事, 孫子可愛, 沒有牽掛,也不必再受背痛的苦,很快的可以和爸爸, 媽媽和小弟聚在一起。

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