Nghi H. Quach

12 noviembre , 192627 enero , 2023
 Obituario de Nghi H. Quach
Nghi Hong Quach 郭同儀 beloved husband, father, grandfather, teacher, principal and friend, entered eternal life on Friday, January 27, 2023 at home. He was a gentle scholarly man of bottomless generosity, quick wit and always magnanimous. His sense of humor shines through in conversations and stories he tells. His unsurpassed selflessness, great patience, empathy and compassion endeared him to so many around the world. He was born in Guang Dong 廣東省, on around Nov 12, 1926 to Hei Tong Quach 郭熙棠 and Lai Han Ho 何麗嫻 in Panyu 番禺縣, 虎門鄉.The eldest of three siblings, he had many fond memories of childhood in Guang Zhou 廣州, especially 葵園 (an estate established by his grandfather 郭逵伯for his 6 sons) His grade school experience around age 13 includes constantly relocating with his boarding school throughout southern Guang Dong while being protected by nationalist troops to avoid battles during the Japanese invasion of China. His classmate wrote a book on their many adventures of traveling cross country carrying their own books and eating rations. Through all the conflicts, he completed his schooling and university education as a hydraulic engineer. Work life started with managing dams until he was forced to flee when he received notice from headquarters asking him to pay his worker’s salary since his department could not get money deliveries and the Japanese invaders were heading his way. He fled to Hong Kong to stay with his mother. Shortly thereafter he was asked by his uncle 郭煒棠 to help out at the Ling Nam 越南堤岸嶺南學校 private boarding school (overseas branch of the main Guang Dong Ling Nam school 廣東嶺南書院總校 where his own father was principal for many years) in Saigon, Vietnam. Before the age of passports, he arrived in Vietnam by boat. Amongst his duties, he taught geography, subbed and eventually became principal when his uncle retired to Taiwan, the Republic of China. While working there he met his beloved wife Bach. They married in Hong Kong after she graduated from National Taiwan University and in 1964 settled in Saigon. Once again war interfered, as the Vietnam conflict intensified, threats to him and his family also increased. He took his family and left Saigon the same day the Viet Cong paraded into the city. After leaving his car in the country, he took the family west by bus and foot. He frequently evaded detection but failed about 4 times when he was captured and put into reeducation camps. Finally, the family ending up in the island of Phu Quoc where he used to go deep seas fishing with his friends. One night by boat, he took his family to sea (evading sea pirates) to Thailand, then by Pan-Am flight to settle on the Virginia Peninsula in 1977. He had to make a fresh start after arriving in the United States with nothing. He held down 3 jobs to support his family. The family only got to see him when he came home to shower for the next job. He eventually saved enough to open their 1st restaurant called Fook’s on Wickham Ave which some still remember fondly to this day. He was able to put all his children through college and finally retired in 1997 but continued to support his wife in her real estate endeavors. He had many interests and was a life long learner, as a scholar of Chinese literature and Chinese history. He especially loved Tang period poetry 唐詩. He was an avid reader, a man of simple faith who honored the diverse faith traditions of his family and friends. He dedicated a lot of his time to his grandchildren especially to educating them in Chinese culture and Confusion philosophy. His presence was a constant in Peninsula Chinese School while waiting on his grandkids attending classes. A world traveler, he enjoyed Ling Nam reunions, visiting friends, classmates, and students around the globe. There are always people to welcome him everywhere he went. His life’s journey has influenced his family and so many others including his students, classmates, dear friends and extended relations. His legacy will continue to live on in our memories. His loving heart and smiling face will shine forever in our hearts. He is preceded in death by his 2 sisters and brother-in-law 郭同瑜(陳兆銓)and 郭同琬; and nephews 陳永柏 and 陳永松. He is survived by his wife of 58 years Bach 邱玉白; his son Cuong Quach (Lai Yin) his daughters, Nhu Q Yeargin (Kevin) and Thanh Q Hempley (Lucas); adopted sons Thien Khuu (Diep) and Khanh Khuu; and his grandchildren Sean, Bryen, Myles Quachyeargin; Huong-Yun, Wai-Yun Quach; Raina, Seth Hempley; Zuri, Calli and Max Khuyen. A visitation will be held at Parklawn Funeral Home, 2551 North Armistead Ave, Hampton Virginia 23666 (757) 827-4670 on Friday, February 3, 2023, from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. Funeral Services will be held on Saturday, February 4 at 11:00 a.m. at Parklawn Funeral Home, followed by interment in Parklawn Memorial Park. Memorial service will be available live stream on the web and recorded for later viewing. *********************************************************************************************************************** 訃 文 向 最親愛和專敬的丈夫、敬愛的父親、各位親朋好友們 致 敬 郭同儀 出生於 中國 廣東省1926年11月12日,卒於 美國 維珍尼亞州2023年1日27日。 他是個溫文的學者,為人極慷慨、機敏及寬容大量。 從交談及聆聽他的故事中,可感受到他是很幽默的人。 他的謙厚無私、有耐性、通情達理及具同情愛心,在世上受到很多人的親近和專敬。 他有兩位已故的妹妹及外甥,在廣州的童年有很多美好的回憶;大約在他十三歲時,因逃避中日戰火,由國軍保護而長時間遷徙中,仍能繼續學業。 他有同學著作了一本書,寫下有關他們很多在國內流離的經歴,在進食配給餐時,亦把書本攜帶在身邊。 雖然在這麼艱苦的環境下,他仍完成學業並成為一位水利工程師,管理一個水壩,直至公司總部知會他公司缺乏資金,要求他支付工人薪金,同時日軍快要進迫,他不得不離開。 他逃離當地到達香港,與母親一起。 不久他收到在越南西貢六叔 郭偉棠 的訉息,要請幫手打理嶺南私立寄宿學校 (廣東嶺南書院總校的海外分校, 而他的生父 郭熙棠 多年來是該校的校長),他乘船去了越南。 他的職責包括教地理科,代課等。 後來他的叔父退休前往台灣 (中華民國),他就成為該校校長。 其間他認識了他的妻子邱玉白。 1964年邱玉白在台灣國立大學畢業後,他們就去香港結婚。 之後就回到越南西貢定居,生活優遊自在。 1975年戰火重臨,越南所受衝擊更催激烈。 危機正在加深,在越共進城當日,他就攜同家人離開西貢。 放棄了自用車,和家人或乘坐公交車、或徒步向西行。 他曾經四次被捉拿並囚於再教育營,最終成功逃脫,結果他們去到越南富國島安定下來 (在未有戰亂前,他和朋友經常到富國島深海處捕魚)。 後來在一個晚上他帶同家人坐船 (避過海盜) 去了泰國,之後在1977年乘坐泛美航班去到維珍尼亞半島定居下來。 他來到美國時,什麼都沒有。 他必需面對新環境,他打三份工。 家人只能在他全部工作完畢收工回家後,才能夠見到面。 結果在他節衣縮食之下,儲蓄到足夠資金開了第一間名為Fook's餐館,此處仍能讓我們懷念及欣賞的美好時光。 他盡所能地讓兒女們完成學業,退休之後仍繼續支持妻子在地產事業的奮鬥。 作為中國文化及歷史的學者,他有很多興趣,是一個終生學習的人,他特別喜愛唐詩。 他是一個活躍的讀者,有簡單信念,專重家人和朋友的不同信仰。 他奉獻了他大部份時間給兒孫們,特別地教導他們中國文化及孔子哲學思想。 他時常現身在維珍尼亞半島中文學校,等待正在上課的兒孫們放學一起回家。 經常遊歷世界,喜與嶺南同學及校友歡聚、旅遊及探訪世界各地朋友、同學、學生等等。 而他所到各處都很受歡迎,他的生命旅程影響他的家庭及很多其他人,包括他的學生、校友、好友及遠親。 他遺留下來的是我們永遠存在的記憶,他的愛心同笑臉永遠在我們心中暉影。 他遺下85歲的妻子邱玉白Bach Ngoc Khuu 率同一眾兒孫們 泣 叩 大女:Nhu Q Yeargin 郭至柔及女婿 Kevin 次子:Coung Quach郭至剛 及媳婦 Lai Yin 李麗賢 三女:Thanh Q Hempley郭至清 及女婿 Lucas 孫兒們:Sean堅忍 、Bryen 謙忍、Myles 誠忍Quachyeargin; Houng Yun 恆忍、Wai Yun Quach 慧忍; Raina 仁忍、Seth Hempley信忍; 誼子:長Khanh Khuu (未婚) 幼Thien Khuu及媳婦 Diep 誼孫們:Zuri、Calli、Max Khuyen

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