Hsiu-O Lin

28 May, 19429 August, 2018
Obituary of Hsiu-O Lin
Obituary (Chinese~English) 我們敬愛的林媽媽秀娥女士與結腸癌奮鬥一年多之後於二零一八年八月九號在家中安息主懷,享年七十六歲.林媽媽的遺族是她最親愛的丈夫,林昌熀 和他們的女兒,雅婷,雅琪,雅芳,黛蒂,欣慈. 其他倖存者包括她在台灣的二哥及在美國的二個妹妹及一個弟弟,翁日新,翁秀雲, 翁秀琴,翁土坤,以及許多孫子孫女,侄子侄女. 林媽媽於一九四二年五月二十八日生於台灣省台北市. 她有六個兄弟姐妹在家裡是長女.林媽媽在年輕時當過車掌小姐,與她的公公在台北市公車處裡是同事,因此而認識了林爸爸. 他們在西元1966年結婚育有五個女兒.林媽媽在1986從台灣移民到美國,跟她的丈夫1992年在Alexandria開了一家華人餐廳.她跟她的丈夫辛苦經營了六年的餐館生意.林媽媽在1998年退居幕後,陸陸續續幫忙帶大九位孫兒孫女.林媽媽一生奉獻給家人,她總是為了家人默默的付出,不計代價. 林媽媽是一位很有基督屬性的人,她的一生活出愛,感謝神揀選了林媽媽,並且使用林媽媽來祝福她的先生孩子及孫子們,讓她的後代繼續傳承這寶貴的福音. On the eve of August 9th, 2018, Hsiu-O Lin, peacefully joined our Creator in her residence after a year long battle with colon cancer, at the age of 76. She is survived by her beloved husband, Chang-Huang Lin; five daughters: Ya-TIng, Ya-Chi, Ya-Fang, Tai-Ti and Stacy; her siblings: Ri-Hsin Weng, Hsiu-Yun Weng, Hsiu-Ching Weng, and Tu-Kun Weng, and many grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Hsiu-O Lin was born in May, 1942 in Taipei Taiwan and was the eldest daughter among her siblings. She used to worked with her Father-In-Law in the transportation company as a bus driver assistant, and that’s where she met Mr. Lin. They wed in 1966 and raised five daughters. She immigrated to United States in 1986, and opened a Chinese restaurant with her husband in Alexandria, VA in 1992. They worked in the establishment for six years until they retired in 1998. Since then, she became the primary caregiver for all her nine grandchildren. She had devoted her entire life to her family unconditionally. She nourished everyone around her with love and kindness. She lived in love and happiness her entire life. Thank God for choosing Mrs. Lin, and empoweing Mrs. Lin to bless her husband, children and grandchildren, so that her descendants can continue to live by this gospel.

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Past Services

Saturday, 18 August, 2018


Saturday, 18 August, 2018

Funeral Service