Chou Sing Kong 鄺罩成

May 3, 1931November 14, 2018
Obituary of Chou Sing Kong 鄺罩成
鄺罩成先生,又名鄺成,出生於廣東省開平泮村. 幼年跟隨祖父生活, 童年因為日本仔打中國生活艱苦,在祖父離世後顚沛流離再由契公、契婆照顧。 和平後到香港和祖母,姐妹,團聚並在香港扎根生活。 1948年中當時他日間在[藝昌機器廠] 做學徒,主要是紡織機維修和操作,晚間修讀中、英文科,晨早聽收音機學習英語會話。在1950年代他已經是技師,其時有日本新型紡織機運到香港並試機運作但操作不完善而停機, 在他提供改良機械中的零件令該紡織機品牌能打入香港市場。同時在機緣巧合下認識了日本JUKI重機(秀奇)株式會社創辦人- 山崗憲一先生成為好友。 在1957年鄺罩成先生是 [亞洲洋行轄下的縫紉機部] 首席技師,也是當代引領JUKI縫紉機品牌打入香港市場的先驅。及後更取JUKI香港分銷權代理 開設 [祥興衣車電機有限公司] 代理: JUKI縫紉機生產線、直本蒸氣爐及熨斗設備、美國依士文剪裁系統設備等等、成績裴然。如今以上品牌在全世界皆負有盛名, 而他是十分自豪的。中國開放早期於1980年代與 [中國南京政府外務貿易部]進口西裝生產線設計。 在1990年代參與中外合資主理無氧銅線生產.見證時代巨輪起飛的轉變。 家庭方面, 鄺罩成夫婦併力奮鬥,六個子女圴學業有成、完美生活。 平日他總是笑容滿面、循循善誘、閒話家常 分享、分析做人道理也是一位好的聆聽者。雖然他早年在繁忙的工作中仍會帶家人旅行,游泳,中秋賞月等等。由於他曾中風令右邊身癱瘓之下,他的毅力勤奮運動克服中風後遺症並厲行書法併合肢體和腦部運作。移民加拿大溫哥華生活簡樸令他更熱心於身體力行; 例如某一天他拿出電錐及工具去維修附近公園的欄杆.他參加了氣功班、游泳班、書法班及相輔遡源堂宗親會什務等等… 廣結朋友互相幫助, 既是他鄉知遇下,總有他出的一分力 無事大小也樂意分擔。 他常言道:人在他鄉,沒有親疏遠近而當有親朋身故他必出席告別儀式,並盡棉力. 他的朋友對他的熱誠、參與、分享有極高的評價乃我們身教好榜樣。 自從鄺罩成多次肺炎令他的肺功能減退, 但他仍然樂觀面對生活。子女們興幸父母可一起度過接近70年. 鄺罩成先生於2018年11月14日安詳離世,享壽 91歲。身後遺下愛妻李春蘭; 長女欣蓮, 女婿張明棠,長子悦文,媳婦鄭寳玉, 二女悦珍,三女悦芬,女婿黎振輝,四女悦冰,女婿黃子愚,幼子悦強,媳婦謝明珊; 還有兒孫滿堂。 Mr. Chou Sing Kong, native of Hoi-Ping , Canton, was born on May 3, 1931. He was raised by his grandfather during his early childhood years. During the second Sino-Japanese War, Mr. Kong was cared for by his godparents and eventually landed in Hong Kong and reunited with his grandparents along with his older and younger sisters. As a teen in 1948, Mr. Kong started his apprenticeship at the Yichang Machinery Factory, specializing in repair and maintenance of textile machinery. Through his endless dedication and hard work, he gained his status as a senior technician within the short period of two years. Not only was he able to master his skills, but because of his understanding of the machinery, he made close acquaintances with JUKI’s founder. The company greatly valued him and saw lasting improvements through his suggestions. Under his influence, the Japanese JUKI sewing machine company successfully setup headquarters in Hong Kong. By 1957 Mr. Kong became their top technician. JUKI’s founder valued Mr. Kong’s talent and innovation so greatly that he awarded him with the distributorship of JUKI products in Hong Kong. His business expanded internationally in the 80s and 90s, spanning to China, United States, and Canada. In his personal life, Mr. and Mrs. Kong raised a large and happy family. He married the love of his life, Chun Lan Lee, through a traditional Chinese arranged marriage. That didn’t affect his commitment and love to each other. Through all of lives’ ups and downs, he always instilled to the family that family comes first. Their six children were able to study abroad and finish college. He was always amiable, attentive when listening to his children and grandchildren, and ready to teach important life lessons. His family was extremely important and no matter how tired he was, he would still take the whole family to various outings on his days off, such as picnics, swimming, or enjoying mid-autumn festivals. Mr. Kong suffered from a stroke in his 60s. Through his determination, he was able to regain use of his body with a rigorous exercise routine. He continued with his regimen after his retirement and immigrated to Vancouver in his golden years. His passion for his hobbies led him to senior classes and clubs in Xi Gong, swimming, Chinese Calligraphy, and the Soo Yuen Benevolent Association, where he made lifelong friends in his later life. His sincerity and enthusiasm to help whenever possible were well known in the community. Chou Sing Kong was a great husband, father, and grandfather. He was a well-respected businessman and community leader. He passed away peacefully on November 14, 2018 with his wife and daughter Ida by his side. He will be lovingly remembered by his wife of more than 60 years, Chun Lan and his six children, Pauline and her husband David, Daniel and his wife Sharon, Ida, Evonne and her husband Eric, Dandus and her husband Tony, Patrick and his wife Mona. He will also be fondly remembered by his eleven grandchildren, Ricky and his wife Sally, Sarah and her husband Jeffrey, Kitty, Jeremy, Jonathan, Ophelia, Joshua, Anthony, Kyra, Chak Kwan, Chak Fung, and great granddaughter Samantha.

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Thursday, November 29, 2018


Friday, November 30, 2018

Funeral Service

Friday, November 30, 2018

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