Mr. Wing Chiu Cheung

May 21, 1918June 22, 2018
Obituary of Mr. Wing Chiu Cheung
張永超先生出生於1918年5月21日,原籍廣東省湛江市麻斜。張先生出生富裕家庭,父親張明西為當地知名企業家,也是一名愛國的慈善人士。張先生有六兄弟姊妹,他是長子,自幼勤奮向學,畢業於香港男拔萃書院及廣東省嶺南大學。1942年張先生與梁秀慧女士成婚,婚後育有三男四女,後因國內政局動盪,遂於1957年全家移民香港。 張先生在香港順昌船務公司就職數十年,為多個部門的主管,其間獨力肩負全家十數人的生計,入息有限,雖然頗為吃力,他仍努力不懈,節衣縮食,堅持要供養每個兒女完成高等教育,把他們作育成材。張先生性堅毅獨立,很有主見,待人真誠慷慨,成為兒女成長的良好榜樣。 1983年張先生移民溫哥華與兒女團聚,幫助妻子照顧孫兒,不遺餘力,深得兒孫的敬愛。張先生自少熱愛足球運動,曾是湛江市工商聯會足球隊的猛將,曾受很多球迷的擁戴,及至晚年仍喜歡在電視機前觀看世界足球聯賽,尢其喜愛英國曼聯球隊的比賽,他對賽情瞭如指掌,津津樂道,其樂融融! 張先生與愛妻結婚七十年歲月,夫妻兩人鶼鰈情深,當妻子病卧在床的日子,他都陪伴在側,照顧呵護,直至她離世的日子,寸步不離。 2018年初,張先生身體健康每況愈下,在院養病其間,得到牧師和親友的探望,清楚救恩真道,最後經過思考,決定接受耶穌基督為救主,並要求牧師為他施洗,結果於5月9日接受洗禮,歸入基督光明的國度。2018年6月22日,張永超先生在安老院安然離世,回到天家與妻子相聚。張先生享年一百歲,共有男孫十三名,女孫五名,及曾孫九名。 Mr. Wing Chiu Cheung was born in May 21, 1918 to an affluent family in Zhanjiang City of Guangdong Province, China. His father, Ming Sai Cheung, was a prominent entrepreneur, patriot and philanthropist. Wing Chiu Cheung had six siblings, amongst which he was the eldest. Starting from a young age, he was diligent in his academic pursuits. Eventually, credited to his hard work, he graduated from the renowned institutions Diocesan Boys Secondary School in Hong Kong and Lingnan University in China. In 1942, Mr. Cheung married Madame Shiu Wai Leung and they were soon blessed with three sons and four daughters. Due to the political instability at the time, the entire family immigrated to Hong Kong in 1957, leaving behind all their worldly wealth in China. In Hong Kong, Mr. Cheung dedicated his career to Chun Cheong, a large and successful shipping company. During his tenure, he was manager for several departments at the company, and many of his former staff remained life-long friends well after his eventual retirement decades later. Mr. Cheung managed to provide for his large family despite a limited income. Though living conditions were hard at the time, Mr. Cheung was nonetheless determined to provide the best educational opportunities for his children, all of whom have come to success in their own rights. Mr. Cheung was strong-willed and a natural leader, yet he was always genuine, compassionate and generous with others. These qualities provided an enduring foundation in all his children's upbringing. In 1983, Mr. Cheung retired and joined his children in Vancouver. There, he devoted his time to his family, helping his wife take good care of their grandchildren, thus enabling their children to focus on their careers without worry. As a lasting testament to his commitment, he was and continues to be deeply loved and respected by his many children and grandchildren. It was no secret that Mr. Cheung loved soccer, a sport at which he truly excelled. In his younger days, he was a champion player for the Merchants and Workers Soccer League in Zhanjiang City, beloved by his many fans. His interest in the sport persevered well into his old age where he continued to enjoy soccer matches on the TV, cheering on his favourite team Manchester United. Mr. Cheung and his wife were married for 70 years and were lovingly devoted to each other. Towards the last few years of her life, when she was quite ill, he maintained a constant vigil by her bedside. At the beginning of 2018, Mr. Cheung's own health began to deteriorate quite unexpectedly. While in hospital care, he came to accept Christ the Lord as Savior, and asked Rev. Abraham Lau to baptize him on May 9, 2018, leading him into God's glory and light. On June 22, 2018, Mr. Cheung passed away peacefully and in the company of family in Villa Cathay Care Home, finally reuniting with his beloved wife in heaven. He had enjoyed a blessed and fulfilling life of over 100 years and is remembered fondly by an adoring family of four generations: seven children, eighteen grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

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Saturday, June 30, 2018


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Tuesday, July 03, 2018

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