Emilia Clare Parrish

Obituary of Emilia Clare Parrish
Our beloved daughter Emilia Clare Parrish, whose heart stopped beating while she was in the womb, was born surrounded by love and light, and even some laughter, on Saturday September 5, 2020. Our Father, creator of life, called Emilia into existence and loved her before all time. He brought her into our family and has taken her home to heaven on a timeline that we do not understand. But we have faith and trust in the Lord’s unchanging goodness, love, and mercy. We rejoice in the good that is Emilia’s existence while simultaneously balancing the pain of having to give her back to God so much more quickly than we planned. In our grief, we take comfort in the hope of a heavenly reunion. Also, we know that God loves Emilia more than we do, and that must be a lot, because we love this little girl with all our hearts. Ultimately, we understand that she is God’s child, but we pray that he heals our broken hearts as we live with the reality of her life not being on earth with us as we had envisioned.

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