Carole Aileen Hunter

December 23, 1936August 28, 2020
Obituary of Carole Aileen Hunter
Carole Aileen Means Hunter passed away August 28th, 2020 at the age of 83 at Virginia Hospital Center in Arlington, Virginia. A lifelong active and vocal member of every community she resided, Carole Hunter’s impact on her family members, neighbors who knew her, and the causes she served will long be felt long after her departure. Carole Hunter was born December 23rd, 1936 to parents Willis Buell Means and Helen Lampe Means at Research Hospital in Kansas City, Missouri. Raised in Kansas City, Mo. with her sister Willa Means Charba, Carole attended and graduated from University of Kansas with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing in 1959. While a student at University of Kansas, a proud Jayhawk to the end, Carole was a sorority member of Pi Beta Phi and excelled academically. After graduation, she briefly continued her education in graduate studies in Nursing at Texas Women’s College before returning to the greater Kansas City area to pursue professional and family goals. As a Registered Nurse, she worked in various hospital settings, including the emergency, operating, and delivery rooms. She was a highly regarded instructor at Barnes Hospital School of Nursing, specializing in Gynecological medicine. In Kansas City of the 1970’s, Carole Hunter was one of the founders and incorporators of the “Save the Tallgrass Prairie Foundation” which laid the groundwork for the eventual 1996 establishment of the 10,900 acre Tallgrass Prairie Preserve in central Kansas, a United States National Preserve administered by the National Park Service and The Nature Conservancy. Her tallgrass prairie preservation efforts led to a lifetime interest in environmental causes. She served as a staffer for the Sierra Club’s Mid-America Regional Council, leading week-long trainings in the basics of lobbying and the fundamentals of legislative affairs on Capital Hill. In addition to her advocacy efforts, Carole Hunter was a member of the Junior League of Kansas City and continued her Junior League involvement when she relocated to the greater Washington, D.C. area. Apart from her professional and extracurricular involvement, Carole Hunter, with her first husband, Dr. Frank Ise, an orthopedic surgeon, had three children in 1960, 1964, and 1969: Franklin, Annie, and John respectively. In 1975, Carole moved to Alexandria, Virginia with second husband J. Robert Hunter, an insurance actuary by trade, who served as Presidents Ford and Carter’s Federal Insurance Administrator. In later years, under the influence of consumer advocate Ralph Nader, Robert Hunter became the leading nationwide consumer insurance advocate. In Alexandria, Carole continued her nursing career but remained civically involved in local matters, volunteering for various local campaigns. In 1976, with Robert Hunter, Carole had her fourth child, Robbie Hunter. The second marriage also brought the addition of 2 stepchildren to the family, Laura and Jimmy Hunter. The family relocated to Arlington, Virginia in 1983, which led to the family’s involvement with the Fellowship Foundation, the principal organizer of the National Prayer Breakfast. Robert and Carole’s involvement with the Fellowship, coupled with their deep spiritual convictions, led to a lifetime involvement with Africa, particularly Uganda. Working through the Fellowship, the Hunters were instrumental in planning and bringing to fruition the first national prayer breakfast in Uganda. Additionally, they were long active in support of rehabilitating and modernizing Mengo Hospital in Kampala, Uganda. Their home became known as the “Ugandan Embassy (Auxiliary)” because she hosted so many visitors. In their later years, the Hunters resided part-time in Rangeley, Maine, falling in love with the tranquility and majestic mountainous wooded surroundings of the western Maine town. Purchasing a lot abutting Loon Lake, named for the magical cry of the loons who reside on the lake, a log cabin was soon constructed, and the family became part-time Mainers. Rangeley became a central and important part of their later years, so much so that they purchased their burial plot at Evergreen Cemetery and celebrated the event with a dance on their eventual grave. Carole was a lover of art and in retirement began a journey as an oil and pastel painter. She painted portraits of landscapes, her grandchildren, and, of course, her beloved dogs. Carol’s love off her children was only rivaled for her love of her canine companions. Each dog would receive a painting and unconditional love and attention. One memorable occasion she drove herself, 3 dogs, and five puppies from Virginia to Austin Texas. In addition to painting and dogs, Carol’s third passion was gardening. Whether in Maine or Virginia, Carole put her green thumb to use in creating lush, ornate gardens that sprang to life, enveloping her houses with an explosion of vegetative beauty. With Carole’s passing from heart failure, the world as we know it is a bit less green and lush. Paint brushes now dry out, the dogs lonely whimper, and tended gardens grow wild. She is survived by her husband Robert, her 6 children, and 14 grandchildren. With her birthday on December 23rd, a short two-days before Christmas; Carole Aileen Means Hunter was, for 83 years, the early Christmas present that kept on giving. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in her name to The Animal Welfare League of Arlington at She enabled me in the most loving way She handled the home front day after day She gave me her love and her inspiration So I could fly free from nation to nation Battling insurers in some far-away place Telling the truth, right into their face Praying with leaders in Africa lands She set me free with the work of her hands Raising our children and all six of them yelped Solving each problem without me to help She set me free with love, sweat and tears And she did it, with grace, for forty-plus years So, when I get credit for consumer protection Know that, without her, there was no way, son When I get some credit for the Africa mission Know that, without her, it just wouldn’t happen. Lately they honored me at yet another fine dinner So here’s to the one who made me a winner Here’s to my bride, my love and my life Here’s to my partner, my spectacular wife. BRIEF SELECTION FROM OVER 200 OF CAROLE’S TESTIMONIALS Mama Oh dad I am so sorry to hear this news. What a tragedy just as I was saying today that I am tired of getting bad news of death. May her soul rest in Eternal peace. She just chose to go at this difficult time. Dad I am in tears while hearing mom’s sweet voice. I thank God who gave her as my mom and I will be offering prayer for her. I am asking my priest friends to say mass for my mom. I hate that I lost her. She was a loving mom to me and many people and I will never forget all the good times we spent together. I wish I could join you as I know you are in deep pain right now. I pray that God will grant you comfort and reward you for all you did for mom. Lots of love, Rosemary Nyirumbe Gulu, Uganda (Sister Rosemary was a CNN Hero and one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. Carole and I were the first to bring her to the USA and host her in our home. She saw Carole as her Mother!) Oooh..! What sad news to wake up to ..! Friends, Even though we know that dear Carole has rested from pain; Even tho we know she's gone to a better place; And though we know the Scripture says: ".. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." - Psalms 116:15 One, nonetheless, never ceases to suffer sadness at the loss of a dear one. Even Jesus '.. groaned & wept ..!' "When Jesus therefore saw .. the .. weeping, .. he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, Jesus wept. - John 11:33‭-‬38‬‬‬‬‬ In this time of pain & grief, We too, groan & weep with you, our beloved brother (Uncle) Bob..!! May the Lord come quickly to your side, Bob, to heal & to comfort you & the family..!! Friends in Uganda remember how much Carole was a part of Bob's Ministry to Africa - esp. Uganda. Their home was named 'Uganda Embassy (Auxiliary)..!' They hosted so many of us over many years..! I was among the first from Uganda, back in 1990, to benefit from their largesse of heart..! While we moan not as those without hope, we will miss her. May the Holy Spirit, the great Comforter, abide with Bob & family. May Carole's soul rest in eternal peace..! Love, Peace and Blessings. Gad & Lydia Gasaatura Kampala, Uganda Dear Bob, I emailed Father Anthony at St. Luke's here in Rangeley to tell him about Carole's passing so that we can pray for her (and you and the family) this Sunday. He replied to me this evening with his phone number just in case you want to call him. I've attached his reply below. The whole community here - Catholic and non-Catholic - will grieve with you and your children and give thanks for knowing Carole these many years. With sympathy, Mark Thompson Rangeley, Maine (former CEO of New York Times and BBC) Dear Bob, We’re so very sorry to hear that Carole has passed away. We’ll share this sad news with my mother - Anne is with her in Philadelphia and will be able to support her. Your happy marriage and delight in one another was always so evident to everyone who had the good fortune to meet the both of you. Your life partnership and the strength of your love for one another is an inspiration. Carole’s radiant smile and, as you mention, grace, will be a memory that I’ll hold and cherish. Mark and I join you in prayer. Love from, Jane and all the Thompsons Rangeley, Maine Dear Bob, Paula and I send our love, prayers and great gratitude for the privilege of knowing Carole over so many years. We are grateful that she is in the presence of Jesus, free and alive like never before. But we also pray for you and the family; that Jesus Christ would be present and profoundly unique ways in these days to come. The grace of Jesus, Lee Dr. Lee Corder Arlington, Virginia Former neighbors Marlene Zerbe, Jan Coe, and Elna Laux, who were a part of Carole's neighborhood prayer group for many, many years with other women friends around the cul-de-sac, remembered Carole tonight as a remarkable woman of strength, intelligence, humor, a compassionate heart, and a deep faith They also loved her ever-gracious spirit, loving hospitality, and the beautiful table she always set for them at their regular lunch get-to-gethers with Jacquie, Evelyn, .Lorraine, Bernie and others. Please keep Bob and the Hunter family in your prayers in the loss of dear Carole. Sandy Sharpe Arlington, Virginia Dear Bob, It was with profound shock and sorrow that we learn of the passing on of your beloved wife, Carole Hunter. Carole and you opened the ways for many of us to the USA and your home. We shared many Joyous moments together and in our difficult situations too, you have been available to us. Though far apart, out thoughts, sympathy and prayers are with you. Carole fought a good fight, finished the race, kept the faith.2Timothy 4:7. Courage Bob. We shall continue to lift you and entire bereaved family to God in prayers. Catherine Akumu Mavenjina Kampala. Uganda. (former Member of Parliament) Bob, My heart goes out to you in your great loss. I always experienced the joy of Jesus in Carole, and the witness of your marriage shone the light and love and grace of Jesus to so many of us. "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints." Much love from Meg and me. In Him, John Guernsey, Bishop Anglican Church in North America Words cannot express the pain and the sorrow, at the passing of Carole, even for those of us who were friends and brothers and sisters to Bob and Carole. So, I can't even imagine how that pain is multiplied for Bob and the family. But we know the one who knows that pain and has gone through it - our Lord Jesus!! We pray that Bob and the family, will experience the comfort of the Lord in this difficult time. We continue to pray for Bob, the children and grandchildren, that they will draw strength from knowing that Carole is in a better place (probably being shown around heaven by our friend Lynn Owen, who went before her a few weeks earlier). In a way it's a relief that her suffering is over. But it’s also intensely painful for Bob, the family and many of us who knew her closely. Bob and Carole's home provided my maiden exposure to the real (spiritual) heart of America way back in 2001. She hosted African Dinners as part of the Washington Breakfast gatherings. Carole provided invaluable support to Bob's Missionary Ministry to Africa especially Uganda which dates way back to the late 1970's. Later their home became "home" to Ugandans who made an annual visit to Washington DC to attend the Congressional Prayer Breakfast. No wonder it was christened "'#Uganda Embassy (Auxiliary)" in Washington DC. Among some of the distinguished Ugandans who were hosted at this residence is Cardinal Emmanuel Nsubuga (RIP) and Bishop Henry Luke Orombi both former prelates of the Roman Catholic and Anglican Churches in Uganda at different times. Carole modelled Jesus in many ways and will be dearly missed. May her soul rest in eternal peace May the Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with Bob and the family, and with everyone who is touched by this loss. Blessings to you all. Sarah and Paulo Kyama Kampala, Uganda Dear Bob— Heartfelt prayers and condolences to you and your family, my friend. You and Carole were inspiring examples of lives lived in faith and love May she Rest In Peace and rise in glory and may God comfort and strengthen you now and always. Blessings, Tom Linthicum Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia Dear Bob: I was so sorry to learn about Carole’s passing yesterday. She was an amazing woman, wife, mother and friend. I will deeply miss her. Lee and I express our most sincere condolences. Please know that we will keep you and your family in our closest prayers. Faithfully, Witney Schneidman Alexandria, Virginia Bob so much love from Bridget and myself. Such memories for my whole family of Carole and you. Not only me but everyone of them remember Carole with warmth, appreciation and reminisce on her keen sense of interest in each of our lives. Not to say the common nursing link with Bridget. We can chat soon when appropriate. Much much love to you. Chloe who was 7 responded to Carole’s passing. And when she responds to nuts, they were dog biscuits. “Oh my word Mum those were the ‘nuts’ you ate off the table and they introduced us to the curly coated retrievers! I (surprisingly) ) have so many memories of creating fortresses and secret gardens in those many forest areas (in Rangeley, Maine)!” And this from Juliette. “ Oh my word - I just told all my friends about my history with curly coated retrievers and the Hunters. Sarah and Tom are thinking of a dog and they were recommended one. Because of the lack of hair loss etc”. Garth Collins Cape Town, South Africa (Carole loved dogs greatly. She always had at least one and as many as seven. We drove to Austin, Texas for me to start my job as Insurance Commissioner with a Border Collie, 2 adult Schipperkes and 5 pups!) Dear Bob, We just received news of Carole's passing. We pray for the Lord's grace and presence and peace for you and all the family. Carole has fought the good fight, finished her race, and kept the faith. Our hope is as sure as the promises of God. Love in Christ, Ken Chapman Mengo Hospital, Kampala, Uganda Thank you for informing us of the passing of Carole Hunter. May God comfort Bob and the family. Dr Rose Mutumba Medical Superintendent Mengo Hospital, Kampala, Uganda (Note: Carole and Bob were founding members of Friends of Mengo Hospital, USA. Based at Christ Church, Alexandria, Virginia, FOM USA has built several buildings at Mengo and supplied millions of dollars’ worth of medicines and equipment to the hospital over 40 years.) Hi Friends, Carole Hunter died from a heart attack yesterday at 4;30 in the afternoon. You would understand better than most what Bob and his family are going through. Certainly grateful for the wonderful person Carole has been for all these years and the comfort of knowing she is with Jesus and her suffering is over. And then the pain of not having her present in the lives of those who love her is profound. Your prayers for Bob, family, and all of us who miss her will flow naturally from you who understand so well. Love to you, Kent Hotaling McMinnville, Oregon (Kent and Bob were prayer and traveling partners with Carole in the Africa efforts) We are saddened to hear of this loss but also relieved that Carole is no longer suffering like she has for so long and that she is with the Lord. Our prayers are with Bob and their family and many friends all over the world. Mostly, we think of our Ugandan friends and how they must be both grieving for her loss and rejoicing in all the wonderful ways Carole and Bob made a difference in their country. Linda and John Howell Springfield, Massachusetts Bob, Carole’s passing is so hard. Just last night we opened her lovely thank you note for the Nam Viet dinner we brought you last Saturday. Her handwriting was full and strong. We are praying for you and your family. Please let us know when we can bring more and when. God’s blessing, Julie and Sam Rea Arlington, Virginia Good Morning Home Group – I have bittersweet news: our wonderful friend and sister Carole passed away last night, with Bob at her side. Bob emailed me this morning. He is taking this blow like I thought he would – very sad to lose Carole, but very happy for her new living situation! He is confident that God has her, of course, and that she is even nearer to Jesus now. Lord have mercy on Bob and the entire Hunter family. Please, let’s all pray for God’s unmistakable presence and comfort to all of the Hunters at this very difficult time. Bob is working with Truro on arrangements, and we’ll let you know those details when we get them. Grace and Peace to all of you! Jeff Meadows (Carole was the hostess for a prayer group from Truro Church that I led for a few years, called a “Home Group.”) I got word from Kent about Carole. I'm heartsick. She is one of the precious souls that helped to shed light on the path in my walk with Christ. She had a "feeling" insight into things that were revelations of truths I hadn't seen or even thought of before. She helped me form my opinion of abortion as a deeply spiritual choice that carries with it the weight of knowing that every moment after fertilization has been written BY the hand of God ON the very hand of God. I remember when Corrie Nell had an ectopic pregnancy which would have meant her death if the baby were allowed to continue. These are times of very serious choices, but the choice must remain as an option. Carole's story of walking out from her role as assisting nurse in an abortion was a kind of epiphany for me. I admired the bravery and certainty of her conviction. She leaves a hole in all of us... but none on earth comes close to the new space in your own heart. We all try to put ourselves in your shoes... and imagine... but it really is unimaginable and my heart hurts for you, most especially for the parts I can't imagine. God bless you Bob... especially in the days and months ahead. Even though I don't get to see you often, you have helped to shape me and fit into Jesus better because of it. That, to me, is an eternal and untouchable thing and I thank God for ALL my friends that have had a hand in it. Love you my brother, -Charlie Glendinning Ashton, Maryland Dear Bob, What a sad news, but trust in the immutable and everlasting love of God for your comfort. May Carole's soul rest in peace. God be with you. Charles Murigande Kigali, Rwanda (former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Education and other top jobs in the Rwanda government) Thinking of you, Bob. May God give you His presence during this season of your life. David Beasley Director, World Food Programme UN Rome, Italy Dear Bob and brothers in our group, We ask the Lord's blessing on Carole and Bob in this moment of passage and challenge, and on their family. May the Lord hold Carole and Bob and their family in the Palm of His Hand. I am on my way to Good Shepherd and will raise Carole and Bob in prayer there. With love and Thanks for the warm welcome Carole will receive in Heaven, Rufus Griscom (Member of the Rangeley Maine Men’s Prayer Group led by Bob) (Carole was prayed for at 3 Rangeley churches this morning – Episcopal, Log Church and a Catholic Mass was said for her) Dear Bob , Our condolences to you and your family. Carole was a beautiful loving person in so many ways. She will be greatly missed. I liked talking to her about our grandchildren, the flower gardens and all the birds we saw. Your faith will carry you along each day to comfort you. Many hugs Love Bill and Jan Burke Rangeley, Maine Dear Bob, So many people are mourning for Carole’s death, but I remember her with great joy of our many visits and phone conversations we had over the years starting with you introducing me to Bp Henry. That long car ride I joined you both in to look at Velcro, your dog, was really a primer to introduce me to Africa. That ride started my journey with Africa and God. Carole had that special way of explaining medical issues, of also introducing me to Catherine Mavenjina and Sister Rosemary. It all cascaded to share with me so many who love Jesus. The blessings she brought into my life continue today and will continue to do so for years to come. I thank God for Carole Hunter and you, too. Love, Barb Nelson I write directly to you to say that having experienced Miranda’s own passing, I can understand and identify with your grief. Death is so final isn’t it? Cold, unwavering and a stark reality. It will have of course relieved Carol of a great deal of discomfort and pain, and much more importantly taken her into a whole new life of being with the Father for the rest of eternity. Jesus said that He was going ahead of us to build a house of many rooms and that’s where Carol is now residing alongside my Miranda and many others, basking in the presence of the Creator of the universe, waiting (if that’s the word) for us to join them. Don’t let any of us be tempted to say that we have lost them, because someone is only lost if we don’t know where they are. I feel for you and as you work through these next months, may your sadness grow into an ability to rejoice and be grateful for the umpteen happy memories that you will have of Carol and of your time together. Every blessing, Anthony Cordle Gloucestershire, United Kingdom I did want to express, again, my support through this roughest of times, and to celebrate with you the blessed breakthroughs that enabled you both to be together at the end, as you hadn't been before. This must have meant SO much to Carole, and to you. In the long run, I bet, this will make a huge difference ongoing, as you confront the grief, and draw strength from the memories of your time together, which you'll share forever... I didn't know Carole very well--though I have such a sense of her sparkling presence from the times she could join the Gingerbread group. And I certainly can see--in your own bearing and care for her-- how very special was the bond. And today, Katie tells me, she's singing the country hymn "Unclouded Day" in Carole's memory, a perfect choice in its optimism and hope in this world, and the next. That’s a song she and I have harmonized on; in fact we did it at the Log Church Hymn Sing two years ago when we did a country gospel set to complement the hymnal... So I've been thinking of that all day, imagining Katie and I doing it on the boat and you and Carole singing along, or just smiling with its soothing rhythms and harmonies. I know how much you both would have enjoyed it, given the music in your own lives and your children, I'm recalling. You both are much in my thoughts, and will continue to be. Perhaps we can share more music next summer, and celebrate a year later the life you shared for so long... Mike Frisch Rangeley, Maine Dedicated to Carole Hunter and Family at The Log Unity Church, Oquossoc, Maine - 8/30/20 ( An antique log house of prayer and unity - a place where both Carole and Bob loved to worship together). Dear Bob and Family, We were deeply saddened to hear the news of your dear Carole's departure. I just wanted you to know, Bob, that all those who attended the Log Church on the last day of the season, had Carole's memory and your collective heavy hearts held up in prayer. Reverend Tony led a great service. Here is a lovely verse to dwell on - besides many others that you know. BEHIND THE THIN VEIL "Vibrating to a different measure, behind the thin veil you cannot see through. You will not see me, so you must have Faith. I wait for the time when we can soar together again, aware of each other. Until then, live your life to the fullest and when you need me, just whisper my name in your heart, I will be there". Art and I are glad you and Carole had each other for many years - but somehow - it never seems enough. Grief Work is the most difficult job ever. We know from experience. Sincere Sympathy to you and to your family and friends. Katie McCann Tressler (Katie sang "The Unclouded Day" in honor of Carole at the Log Church, Rangeley, Maine on Sunday, 8/30/20)

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  • Caroleis survived by her husband Robert, her 6 children, and 14 grandchildren.

Past Services

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Funeral Service