Howard "Big Apple" Harding

December 14, 1944August 20, 2019
Obituary of Howard "Big Apple" Harding
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love His appearing." II Timothy 4:7-8. Early Tuesday morning, August 20, 2019, Howard Harding peacefully transitioned to be home with our Lord and Savior. Howard Harding was born on December 14, 1944 in Indianapolis, Indiana; the loving son of Ruth Naomi and Thomas Wallace Harding. He professed his love for Christ at an early age and continued to cultivate his relationship with the Lord throughout his adult life. Howard most recently worshipped and served at Living Water Fellowship Church under the stewardship of Pastor Kim Outlaw. While serving at Messiah Missionary Baptist Church in the early 1990's Howard locked eyes with Sunday School teacher Dora, a.k.a. "Dottie." Their mutual love for Christ spawned a relationship that led to their union on July 22, 1994. Howard and Dora Harding enjoyed 25 years of marriage and shared a loving home that always welcomed and hosted family and friends. Howard graduated from Shortridge High School in 1962. He was the energetic and supportive brother to five siblings who could always count on him to brighten any occasion with his smiles and laughter. Howard excelled in High School as a member of the Baseball and Football teams at Shortridge. He also participated in the Glee Club. In addition to the team sports achievements; Howard was a formidable Copper Gloves and Golden Gloves boxer as a teenager. At 6' 2", Howard was a "Gentle Giant" who loved his family, friends and teammates dearly. Following high school Howard worked at the Boys & Girls Club of Indianapolis and LS Ayres prior to landing a career at the Chrysler Corporation Indianapolis Foundry. He worked there for 41 years until his retirement in September 2005. His positive outlook on life and love for his fellow man cultivated many close friendships while working at Chrysler in addition to the neighborhood pals who were lifelong buddies. Howard embraced retirement for the opportunity to do the things he loved. He loved serving the Lord. He loved his wife, his children, his siblings and friends. He would often remind you with a smile and his favorite saying, "Baby, it takes all kinds" that we are required to love everyone, as the Lord loves us. Or he may remind you when life is pushing you along at a pace that may be unhealthy, "Lord Willing" that all things are possible. He also loved going to the gym, doing crossword puzzles and playing checkers. He loved his hometown Pacers and Colts as well as watching ESPN SportsCenter. Howard loved to fellowship with friends in the hobbies he enjoyed, of which one was Line Dancing. He was a member of the Young at Heart Steppers of Washington Park. If by chance you caught one of their performances, saw him at Church or out with his wife Dora, you would know that he loved to be dressed like a perfectly adorned Big & Tall mannequin. His shoes and hat always matched and beneath that hat would be his glowing smile as he made his arrival. To cherish his memories, Howard leaves his loving and faithful wife Dora Lee Harding; his children Howard Harding (Gina), Lorne Thomas Harding and Senetra Henderson. Howard is also survived by his siblings Thomas Earl Harding (Florida), Linda Cheryl Harding and Richard Anthony Harding (Dimitria). Preceding Howard to be with the Lord were his parents Ruth Naomi and Thomas Wallace and siblings Wallace William Harding and Patricia Delores Harding. Giving Glory to God, we know that Howard is absent in body, but is present with Our Father and that we will see him again.

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Past Services

Saturday, August 31, 2019


Saturday, August 31, 2019

Funeral Service