Philip Matthews

January 10, 2001January 13, 2021
Obituary of Philip Matthews
Philip Michael Matthews passed away to God on the morning of Wednesday, 13 January 2021. Philip is the son of Stephen Matthews and Marjorie (Swatek) Matthews. Philip was born January 10, 2001 at the Naval Hospital in Camp Lejeune, NC. Philip has lived in Jacksonville (Camp Lejeune), North Carolina, Monterey, California, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Jacksonville, North Carolina, and most recently, Spotsylvania, Virginia. He is the youngest child and youngest brother of four siblings, Charlie Matthews (born 3/3/1989), Sarah Matthews (born 4/29/1995), and Jessica Matthews (born 10/28/1997). Philip is the grandson of Gail and Phil (Philip’s namesake) Matthews from Peoria, Illinois and of Chuck and Bonnie Swatek from Crete, Illinois. Philip is an Eagle Scout and a member of BSA Troop 171 (a.k.a., The Knotmasters) which was chartered with Hope Presbyterian Church until recently chartering with Eastland United Methodist Church. Philip came to Troop 171 from Pack 171, and before that, from Pack 90 in Camp Lejeune, NC. As a member of Troop 171, Philip worked his way through Troop ranks and was, at different times, the Chaplain’s Aide, Instructor, Patrol Leader, Quartermaster, and Provisional Senior Patrol Leader. Philip learned and practiced leading, mentoring, and teaching Scouts and all others during his tenure with Troop 171. Philip led and supported weekly Troop meetings and annual Troop events, and Philip taught on numerous occasions, including teaching Leadership Skills, Orienteering, Land Navigation, Electricity, and Energy. Philip led numerous hikes and was a member of Crew 723-R to the BSA Philmont Ranch in 2015 where he and crew hiked 90 miles across 10 days over two mountain ranges, including a hike up Mt. Baldy to an elevation of 12441 feet. Philip is a member of the Spotsylvania High School Marching Knights (Marching Band), and the 2018-2019 Drum Major, leading the Marching Knights in full regalia of top hat, white gloves, white bow tie, and long-tail tuxedo. In addition to having been the Drum Major, Philip was the 2016-2017 Equipment Manager, and the 2017-2018 Field Captain. Philip played and led the band at numerous events, including the annual Spotsylvania and Fredericksburg Christmas Parades, the annual “Monster Band,” annual band competitions including the annual Spotsylvania High School Marching Band Invitational Competition, the annual exposition of the Marching Knights to support runners at the 17 mile mark of the Marine Corps Marathon, and the sideline and halftime show for every Spotsylvania High School football game from 2015-2016 through 2018-2019. Philip never tired of working hard to make the Marching Knights a shining success; he led, mentored, taught, and inspired fellow band members, parents, staff, and many others through his actions and presence as a Marching Knight. Philip is a member of the Spotsylvania High School Swim Team, where he led, mentored, and inspired his fellow swimmers in every practice and at every swim meet. Philip was particularly known for his backstroke and butterfly, but Philip was versatile and was able and willing to swim every and any event. Philip would take an extra event and fill in if a swimmer was needed on a relay or an event. While not the fastest swimmer, Philip never tired of doing his best and pushing his hardest as a swimmer in events, but he shined as an inspiration to his fellow swimmers, cheering them on, propping them up, using his leadership skills to ensure the success of his team. Philip knew his teammates and knew how to motivate them to success. Philip’s skills as a leader and manager helped to ensure that team equipment was always in place and ready and that the team was prepared for every event and had a fantastic time during, after, and outside of every event. Philip is a graduate of Spotsylvania High School and a member of the Commonwealth Governor’s School in Spotsylvania, Virginia. Philip was particularly fond of classes and events in art, music, history, Latin, and drama. Philip loved his teachers and classes, and he inspired teachers, students, and everyone around him. Philip would often attend high school in a jacket and tie—Philip looked good in a tie, but he would rock a bow tie—and with his stature, presence, and confidence, he would be mistaken for teaching staff by students needing assistance. And Philip would always lend assistance. While Philip was not the highest-grade achiever in many classes, Philip was the student that worked hard and would support his teachers and fellow classmates in ways that motivated and inspired them; because of his leadership and confidence, Philip could be seen taking over a class when a teacher needed a student to assist. Philip was a member of a number of other activities including Latin Club and Theater. Philip was always excited to attend Latin Club events, including the annual Latin Convention, and was proud to have built a miniature and then a full-size, seven-foot working Roman ballista for his Latin Club projects, as well as for his Sophomore CGS project. Philip enjoyed being part of the High School Theater team, where he would manage the movement of props and equipment onto and off stage for the annual High School plays, working tirelessly in the background to ensure everything he was part of was successful and that his fellow students were given an opportunity to shine. Philip is a member of Hope Presbyterian Church, where he attended Sunday service, Sunday school, and Youth Group for years. Philip loves God and knows Jesus and was always a willing servant of the Lord. Philip would spend time at church with fellow Youth Group members who would play, love, and lift each other up. Additionally, other members of the church, including many of the adults, would look to Philip for assistance and inspiration, knowing that his willingness and capacity to serve were always present and that Philip could be counted on to jump in with a Bible or a hammer whenever and wherever needed. Philip could always be counted on for his quick wit, his humorous antics, and his steadfast willingness to throw himself in any time he was needed to teach, to coach, to mentor, or to move equipment or to make an event happen. Philip attended Youth Group events including a trip to Sumner Maine, where his willing heart and willing hands made him invaluable and an inspiration to the Sumner community and to the youth trip founders and friends of Philip’s family, Bill and Linda Glass. Philip has inspired church members and all others around him by his actions and his servant heart. Philip was an employee of the Outback Steakhouse, where he worked hard to make the restaurant and his fellow employees a success. Philip interviewed for his employment in a jacket and tie for his initial host position and was noted for his bowties and his sharp dress by his work and by patrons. Philip’s leadership and managerial skills learned previously lent to his success as a host at Outback, where he was moved up to the To-Go area before current COVID conditions. During these conditions, Philip was counted on to ensure continued restaurant success. Philip worked very hard, putting time into his employment and its success the same as all other endeavors, and he enjoyed knowing and spending time with his coworkers, managers, and proprietor, Jerry. Philip is a freshman at George Mason University with a major is Chemistry and a concentration in Biochemistry. Philip recently attended classes in both of these subjects. He enjoyed classes, liked his professors, and had already begun to develop lasting relationships with students in his classes, even though classes were mostly virtual. Philip’s current plan was to move professionally into the fields of Anesthesiology or Toxicology, and he had a particular interest and affinity for understanding chemical reactions. Handy with tools and skills, Philip assisted with numerous activities where he was able to put his skills to use and to learn from those around him. Philip supported the annual BSA Pack 171 Pinewood Derby workshop, where he would teach junior Cub Scouts how to use hand tools and how to design and build their car. Philip could be expected to support the Rebuilding Together projects that Hope Presbyterian Church hosted. Philip was adept with hand and power tools and had a good mechanical eye, and he was able to put his skills to use assisting others. Applying skills he had learned, Philip assisted his employer at the Outback Steakhouse in designing and building or rebuilding restaurant walls, baseboard, and seats. Philip was always very fond of his pets and the family pets. Philip owned 6 chickens and one rooster. He owned a tankful of fish. He owned a cat, Fifi, that he took in as a rescue. Philip saw the family take in four dogs, Finn, Becky, Sugar, and Aspen, and seven cats, Huckle, Berry, Spice, Mama, Figaro, Fifi (his), and Nixie. Philip helped take care of his sister’s three chinchillas Timmy, Tommy, and Smudge, and the family’s bearded dragon, George. Numerous other animals passed through the Matthews house, and Philip always took care of them. Philip’s life is filled with love and inspiration. He is loved by many, but none more than his parents. He will be missed by all. Philip’s first job was as a farm hand, where Philip took care of alpacas, goats, chickens, turkeys, a horse, and a particular favorite, Hagrid, a Great Pyrenees dog. Philip’s first year of employment on the farm was paid in chickens, which he lovingly raised. The family appreciates donations to the Kincheloe Animal Clinic in Fredericksburg, Virginia in memory of Philip. Alternatively, please give to your local SPCA in memory of Philip. We know that there is so much more to Philip's life and his impact on others. We would love for you to add your stories and photos in the memories and condolences section below. The service will be Livestreamed from the Mullins and Thompson Funeral Service Facebook page.

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

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